Utah Testimonials

...We lost 30 units at a brand new 237 unit apartment building two days before it was scheduled to open. It was a devastating setback…Thanks to your expert handling of our insurance claim, we were able to recover almost three times the amount our insurance company originally offered. You and your team were always there advocating on our behalf and navigating the claim through the numerous coverage issues. Your wealth of knowledge was invaluable in helping us get back on our feet. Without your involvement, we would not have recovered as much of our losses as we were with your assistance. Your company’s fee was well-spent on our part and well-earned on yours.

Howick Properties, LLC

…In the end, you settled our claim for over $8 million dollars, more than twice what we were told our claim was worth at the beginning by our insurance company representatives.

The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International saved Sundance many hours by doing the necessary research and calculations. Your follow up and negotiation adeptness proved to be invaluable for settling our claims with the insurance company. It was through your abilities and aggressive approach to the Insurer that we recovered the maximum amount due us under our policies. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is amongst the best in ability, professionalism and reasonable approach in resolving difficult matters.

You were on the scene immediately both assuaging our concerns and dealing with our emotions and fears… Although I started the process myself, I clearly could not get it done in an expedient manner or in the manner which you handled our loss. You handled our loss professionally, expediently and with great care, constantly keeping us in the loop of important information… You negotiated a settlement that was exceptional and allowed us to rebuild the project in the manner that it should have been.

Jeff Katofsky / JD Market Acquisitions / Orem Owlz

...we thought we were doing the right things by allowing the insurance company to evaluate and establish our loss. After meeting with Greg and learning about the correct way to evaluate a claim I knew then how much the insurance company had diminished our loss...Immediately after hiring Adjusters International we saw action taken by your and the team of people helping us. We knew then as we do now that we made one of the best financial decisions possible. Your experts acted in our interest and were able to secure an outstanding settlement on our behalf. Your efforts truly paid off and we are still astonished at the $100,000.00 + you were able to negotiate above and beyond the insurance company's initial offer to us...In a world where it seems nothing turns out as good as it sounds you are the exception.

Impulse Media Sales, Inc.

Without his (Dow’s) help as my advocate, I suspect the settlement figure would have been about half what I eventually received. Additionally had he not been so effective in pushing things through, I suspect the insurance company might have been rewarded by my giving up too soon. I discovered The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International through an internet search and made a phone call, which I expected would mean leaving a voice mail and hearing back several days later. But to my surprise a very competent and caring person took full details of my situation, and both you (Dow) and Clay on site to meet with me the very next day! Please express my genuine thanks to your whole team.

...We liked Steve and Gordon and wanted them to handle everything. But we trusted in their judgment and needless to say, they were right. Although they were always involved, it seemed like everyone on your team was an expert including you, Allison and Chris. You and your firm were very knowledgeable in the handling of our stock claim, Loss of Income coverage and all of the other coverages we didn't even know that we were entitled to under our policy of insurance. I could see how valuable it was and how happy we were to have the expertise to deal with each aspect of our claim. Your efforts to deal with all aspects of our claim allowed us to focus on reopening our business and for that we are truly grateful...

It was quickly apparent that the insurance company was not interested in what was best of us. They were only interested in paying as little as possible. We are confident that without you we would not have recovered as much as we did. You were able to identify the deficiencies in the insurance company’s building estimate which resulted in an additional payment of almost twice the proposed amount. Your expert negotiating abilities coupled with your attention to detail and persistent follow up assured the claim would be settled for a fair amount. You left no stone unturned.

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