We thought that our insurer would treat us fairly and pay the right amount so that we could rebuild the property. Being an attorney I have dealt with many complex legal and business issues in my career. Relatively quickly in the process I realized that the insurance company was going to drag its feet and find ways to reduce the amount owed. Your efforts resulted in an amount of more than double of what the insurance company initially offered. The cost of your services at 10% of the insurance recovery was well worth the time, effort and results that you obtained. Thanks for your hard work.

Brett Scott, Esq.
Wenatchee, WA
  1. 1

    You just suffered serious property damage and you are wondering what to do next.

  2. 2

    You call your insurance company and wait for an adjuster to come out, hoping that they will have your best interests at heart.

  3. 3

    You moved from the asset side of your insurance company's ledger to the liability side of their ledger.

We Can Help

Knowing everything you possibly can about the "fine print" of your insurance policy before you have any substantive dialogue with your insurer is an absolute necessity. Know what you are covered for and how to claim it. What you say to your insurance company's adjuster and how you say it can make a dramatic difference in how much you get paid. The more you know, the better the results.

The Difference Public Adjusters Make

We work exclusively for YOU, not the insurance company. Our insurance professionals have managed and negotiated thousands of claims for nearly every type of natural and man-made disaster. Local in our approach, we have over forty offices across the U.S. and Canada, and an unmatched network of expert resources to efficiently mobilize and be at your side.

Our Results

Arthur Pollock, Esq.

Adjusters International Pacific Northwest
1.1 million
Adjusters International Pacific Northwest
Our lives were completely turned around after the family home was completely destroyed during the Wenatchee Firestorm of June 2015. With your help our stressful experience, which we would not wish upon anybody, was… Read More about John & Wendy McKay

John & Wendy McKay, Homeowners

Charles Loughran, Esq.

Adjusters International Pacific Northwest
Adjusters International Pacific Northwest

Actual results will vary based on individual circumstance and nature of insurance claim loss. There are no guarantees you will experience the same results.