All Testimonials

You may recall that the insurance company readily agreed to pay us 'policy limits' of $415,000 for the building and $50,000 for the contents (with a release - and then close the claim). At that point you began representing us. The insurance company has now agreed to pay…a total of $1,855,300. $1,855,300 is a long way from the $465,000 policy limits they had originally offered…This is all so very complicated and intense that it is very hard for my Board and me to grasp…In light of all this good news I can't keep this to myself any longer so I want you to share this letter and my most enthusiastic recommendations to any and all of your current and potential clients.

Madison Parish Schools

Little did I know they were going to do all they could to pay me as little as possible for my home and lost rental income. As a builder I thought I could easily work with the adjuster to establish what was needed to repair the home. You were right in that they use their own language that at times has little to do with how real construction works…Without your knowledge and expertise I know I would not have come out as well as I did.

RAM Development

We initially attempted to deal directly with our insurance company in presenting them our business interruption claim, but ran into some very significant problems in that the insurance carrier did not see fit to agree with our presentation and as a matter of fact, offered us a very low dollar sum to settle our claim. Fortunately, we were advised to consult with your office and as a result of that consultation, we were able to settle our matter at a most agreeable figure.

Risk Management & Insurance
Paracelsus Healthcare Corporation

We feel our company would not have received the settlement it did without your expertise.

Polycore Electronics, Inc.

As you know, the Lodge has been rebuilt and is now back in the business of delivering traditional and locally-tailored Elks charitable services to their community. This would not have happened had it not been for Dow Brooks and your involvement; and, the community would have lost their Lodge. Recall that the original estimate to “restore” a badly fire and smoked damaged building with HAZMAT was approximately $240K. To the contrary, with your expert assistance and advice, we ended up receiving approximately $940K and were able to completely rebuild a new, right-sized, energy-efficient facility to serve the community; and further, to enhance and reinforce the central business district of Omak WA. While I certainly do not wish problems for any Lodge in Oregon or Washington, I do know a “Guy” who could really help them… YOU!

Our loss was quite large and the claim quite complex. From the date of their retention... until our recent receipt of a substantial settlement, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team-led by Gary Johnson and joined by Gordon Scott, Steve Severaid and Paul Migdal-treated the Sherwood Resort Guam as if it were their sole client. They invested an immeasurable amount of time and effort on site as well as in foreign lands. At all times, these professionals conducted themselves with extreme diligence and absolute integrity and professionalism... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team never wavered in its conviction that our loss was well in excess of that being postulated by the insurance carrier. With extreme determination, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team acted as our advocate and was able to secure the settlement that the Sherwood Resort Guam was entitled to... We consider the fee paid to them to be a bargain in the true sense of the word. If their fee was many times the amount paid, we would still consider them to be one of the best investments the Sherwood Resort Guam has made.

Peter Lin, General Manager

Your expertise at handling all the issues and players involved prevented the possibility of Santa Fe suffering a 'second disaster.' Next time we won't wait so long to give you a call.

Santa Fe Pacific Realty Corporation

The process of settling this loss was done quickly and with the utmost professionalism. We were able to recover all of the funds we needed to repair our property to make them look great again…Without your experience and expertise in handling such catastrophic events I know we could not have recovered what we did. Your fees are worth every penny!

Drew Gibson, Manager
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