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Despite a good business background I very quickly realized that I did not have the expertise or experience to document the claim to our insurance company. And although we had been with that insurance company for more than ten years, it was quickly apparent that as far as they were concerned, we were on our own in documenting our claim. I first tried to enlist the aid of our accounting firm or our attorney. Although we use a national accounting firm and a large regional law firm, both admitted they lacked the experience to document our claim…As a direct result of the professional expertise of Adjusters International, we received much more from our insurance company than Adjusters International's fee, and we strongly recommend them to others.

You helped bring structure and sensibility to what would otherwise have been a chaotic situation. I appreciate the professionalism with which you approached representing City Freeholds, and I am amazed at the amount of detailed work you went through to construct a credible claim. City Freeholds is surely grateful. Personally, I appreciate the leadership role that you played in negotiating so many important aspects of the claim.

for Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker

They approached the whole process in a professional and aggressive manner allowing us to rebuild our business in a timely manner and obtain the remuneration we were due in our insurance policy.

Pacific City Builders Supply

When our Oxnard location burned- a total loss- we were surrounded by adjusters wanting to talk to us. We were told by our insurance company not to talk to them. Needless to say we were very confused. We didn't even understand the coverage we had been paying for the last twenty years. From all the confusion emerged Jerry from your office who explained to us our options, and quelled our fears about how to proceed. His professionalism, along with his associates, was just the beginning of what turned out to be an incredible learning experience. Throughout the process your team was always professional, but most of all patient in answering the many questions I posed- sometimes the same one again and again… I am confident that had we not brought you on to our team, we would have left hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table. Your fair commission was worth every penny.

Mar Vac Electronics

A special note of thanks must go to the man who arrived at my office door from your company who simply would not take “no” for an answer from me when he tried to tell me we needed help in dealing with the insurance aspects of the fire. While at times, I was less than gracious for all your efforts, I fully realize that I was woefully ill prepared to handle the rebuilding of the manufacturing portion of Wilcor on my own nor was anyone here up to the challenge.

Wilcor Grounding Systems

The professional manner your firm demonstrated in the skillful preparation and negotiation of our client's claim far exceeded both our and their expectations. The real and personal property documentation was a work of art. Furthermore, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's accountant devoted a tremendous amount of time in the research, understanding, and overview of our client's business operations so as to be in a strong and well informed position to best present the business interruption claim. In working with you, Randy, it was obvious that your personal direction and application of the insurance policy provisions, along with your accountant's talent, was a combination that effected a settlement that not only far exceeded our expectations, but was six times the amount the insurance company had reserved for our client's loss.

San Joaquin Valley Dairymen's Association

...As astute as we are, we are in the lumber business. We do not negotiate with insurance company's everyday. It is clear that you are qualified professionals and adept at what you do. Everything you promised - and more - you did. You promised to get our claim settled quickly and you did. You promised you would get us more than we expected to get and you did. You promised that the fees we paid your firm would be small in comparison to the benefit and they were. Hiring your firm was the right decision.

Pacific States Industries, Inc.

As a licensed building contractor actively involved in the construction of commercial property, my initial reaction to dealing with the loss to my personal property was to handle all aspects of a settlement with my insurance company directly. However, in discussing my situation with a business associate who is deeply involved in fire rehabilitations and dealing with insurance carriers, he counseled me to strongly consider working with a public adjuster… I can say with absolute certainty that securing compensation, as the result of my property loss, could not have been handled more effectively… The efforts of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International assured that my property loss due to an accidental fire did not result in catastrophic financial loss.

Lance Nordbak
Construction Specialists
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