All Testimonials

As you know, I was extremely skeptical as to our need for your services when we first met. The insurance company, through their adjuster, had said many of the things I wanted to hear and seemed very cooperative. Clearly…we, as a homeowners association negotiating on our own behalf, would never have reached the settlement we did without your guidance and professional assistance.

James R. Bell

When our facilities were damaged by a tornado, we knew that our job was getting back to business, and realized that the matter of preparing, filing and negotiating a claim of this magnitude with our insurer was going to be a monumental task…Now that the claim has been settled, I am convinced that the value we received from you was as you promised…You and your associates assisted in the compilation and valuation of every damaged shingle and chair, and therefore, we were able to provide the insurer with documentation sufficient to support our property claim…Although we were shut down for only a few days, the impact of staff relocation, lack of resources, and countless other issues was felt in our revenues and profits. Your business interruption experts…provided exemplary service to us in dealing with a very complicated business interruption claim. We could never have accomplished this on our own. These experts brought us their knowledge of the insurance industry, experience with many types of business interruption claims, and a solid accounting background which ultimately led to an equitable settlement of our loss. Throughout the recovery and claim process, you and your staff maintained a pleasant and professional attitude. Your interaction with the insurer and its consultants was always constructive and I felt reassured in your representation of me and my company's interests.

Systems and Controls
EMS Technologies

I've felt that we have been a working partnership. Initially I believed that the insurance company and I could come to a quick and fair settlement, but one meeting with their adjuster convinced me otherwise…The firm took pains to be thorough, careful-and patient-in setting out the scope of loss. You, and the people who worked with you…were unfailingly professional…You were always available on very short notice, whether for a bit of handholding…or with a quick response to my concerns, as we proceeded though the process. Even if I had been able to reach an identical dollar settlement with TIG on my own and without dispute, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's services would have been well worth the cost...During those months of stress and uncertainty, your quiet and confident assurance, your willingness to seek out expert legal advice on a matter that might have gone to court, and your capacity for effective negotiation both eased the strain and, in the end, produced a settlement with TIG that seems eminently reasonable and fair.

University of California, Berkeley

Your firm's analytical effort and professional presentation during final negotiation were most critical in our receiving a multi-million dollar final settlement.

David Zembo, Controller
CMC Coast Metal Craft

I think one year to get the money-far, far more than we had ever hoped for-says two things:
1) You are a genius;
2) You are a tenacious genius who kept fighting, even after I had pretty much given up hope, to get Farmers to pay every single penny we had coming to us.
And you got them to do it. I guess the bottom line is that when we met for the first time, and you said, 'This is the situation and this is what we can do for you,' you did everything you said you would-and more. I admired your professionalism as Farmers employed their delaying tactics and lies. Had I had to deal with them personally, I would have eventually either succumbed to stress or brought in lawyers, who would have taken everything Farmers owed us. I figure that even after paying The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International its commission, we still came out at least $40,000 more than we would have without you-plus the fact that you, not I, spent the hours and hours and hours documenting the claim, pointing out to them where they still owed us money, and dealing on a day-to-day basis with people who were at best, ignorant and at worst, dishonest.

As you are aware, my predecessor made the unfortunate mistake of not hiring your firm in the very beginning when we suffered this devastating loss to our medical facility. At the time we had retained your firm. Lexington had measured our Business Interruption loss at only $140,000.00. Through you and Chris Glenister’s meticulous detailed schedules and income projections, we ended up collecting an additional $210,000.00, a 250% increase in our recovery. Your firm fees were minimal in comparison to our recovery.

San Jose Foothill Family Community Clinic

We suffered a devastating fire which destroyed our developer, an essential piece of machinery used in the production of our custom circuit boards. Our facility had to be shut down while repairs were made and equipment replaced...Our company could have easily suffered additional losses to production, had it not been for the timely settlement you negotiated with our insurance company. This amount far exceeded what we could have recovered on our own. This is not to mention the amount of time, effort and distraction from our own business it would have taken us to recover any of the monies…We consider the fee we paid for your services to be very reasonable.

As you are aware, my predecessor made the unfortunate mistake of not hiring your firm in the very beginning when we suffered this devastating loss to our medical facility. At the time we had retained your firm. Lexington had measured our Business Interruption loss at only $140,000.00. Through you and Chris Glenister’s meticulous detailed schedules and income projections, we ended up collecting an additional $210,000.00, a 250% increase in our recovery. Your firm fees were minimal in comparison to our recovery.

San Jose Foothill Family Community Clinic
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