All Testimonials

Faced with the awesome task of recovering from the fire that had just destroyed our headquarters building, the last thing I wanted to do was spend all my time documenting each and every item we lost and then arguing with the insurance company adjusters over the coverage. As a result, my chairman and I quickly agreed that getting the association up and running again would require all my time and that the documentation of our losses should, if possible, be left to others…The professionalism I experienced with your firm prompted me to overcome my initial reservations. That turned out to be a great decision as all the people at Adjusters International conducted themselves professionally and delivered very high quality products. You saved me untold hours and aggravation and saved the association a lot of money.

National Lumber and Building Material
Dealers Association

We were totally bewildered when we realized we had suffered extensive damage and did not have the slightest idea what to do. Fortunately, I called you early the next morning and that same morning you arrived, arranged for the clean-up, introduced us to appropriate contractors to assess and repair the damage and successfully negotiated an appropriate settlement with the insurance carrier. We will be eternally grateful to you, not only for your professionalism, but for your real concern and caring attitude that helped us get through that period.

This was our first project on which a loss had occurred. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International proved to be beneficial in assisting us in dealing with this loss. The loss...was settled rapidly, and with a minimum amount of work on our part.

Allen L. Bender, Inc.

Your expertise and experience in dealing with such catastrophic situations was instrumental in obtaining the maximum recovery available under the terms of our various insurance policies.

Iowa Health System

With credentials in hand, unlike many 'do-gooders' at that time, they offered the assistance our time and resources prohibited. Their staff was knowledgeable, concise and always available for consultation. Our insurance company proved to be impossible, often refusing to honor the conditions of our policy. They used every possible avenue to deny and delay the claim. It was at these times, that Mr. Lombardo remained firm, competitive and yet professional. Meetings were difficult but Mr. Lombardo continued to persevere demanding justice for First Baptist Church.

First Baptist Church of Homestead

Our home burned completely to the ground in a wildfire that took out 39 homes in our small community. After many disappointing interactions with our insurance company, we decided to call The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and it was the best decision we ever made. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International came to our house the next day, looked over all the papers we had exchanged with our insurance company, and because they have the experience, knew just what to look for in the way of what I will call legal fraud. They pointed out all the ways that our agent was making it look like we were going to get the best payoff. After explaining our policy to us and identifying these “tactics”, we found that we could nearly double our payout as projected by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International . Better yet, we would never have to deal with our agent again as all transactions would be handled by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. Throughout these months we have been fairly and professionally treated and have received a far better payout than originally offered by our insurance company. All of our correspondences were replied to and all questions (which were seemingly unending) were answered in a timely manner. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International has truly been a comforting light in all the turmoil of rebuilding our lives after this devastation. We have a beautiful home that we would not have been able to pay for had it not been for the relentless actions of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International demanding from our insurance company what we deserved as policy holders.

The loss of income part of our policy was, really, a mystery to us. We had no idea what it included and how it was to be calculated. Clearly, Aetna had no idea how it was to be calculated either! Nor do we believe that our broker would have been much assistance in this area. If ever there was a time and place for a public adjuster, this was it.

Karen McNeil, Vice President
Pressure Cast Products Corp.

You have prepared the enormous amount of paperwork required for our fire claim, have conducted the inventory counts including the minute details, in an accurate and unchallenged way; you have made the presentations to the Insurer, with whom you have a proper reputation, and your presentations have just been accepted. You were careful to accurately include all losses, and we must tell you we feel very fortunate to have had your company represent us. Your people are experienced, competent, courteous and were most considerate of our time.

Rotoflow Corporation
1160 of 2430