All Testimonials

It has been almost a year since the fire which completely destroyed one of our processing plants. Immediately after the fire, I received a telephone call at home from a representative of your company. My initial reaction was the 'knee jerk' type, and I felt I had been pursued by an 'ambulance chaser.' During an emergency management meeting it became clear that we had a loss that would exceed $7 million dollars, and that standing toe to toe with our insurance company to recover our loss would be an overwhelming task…After reviewing your proposal, it was agreed that our efforts would be best utilized in managing our business, while allowing your staff to recover our loss. I had no idea that the documentation of our claim would become as extensive as it did. Your staff worked tirelessly to quantify the claim. I am convinced that every possible element of our loss was maximized to the extent provided for in our coverage…You and your staff are true professionals, and the quality and detail of your work is very impressive.

Quaker Maid Meats, Inc.

Your assistance in dealing with our insurance claim was invaluable…You were there when we called and you got the job done.

Larry Walker, Managing Editor
Wines & Vines

We are very happy with the settlement we ended up with and I think we came out with a lot more after subtracting your fee than we would have doing this on our own…I am sure there are a lot of naïve people out there who think insurance companies are eager to write million dollar checks for any legitimate claim. This didn't happen for Dr. Pitts and it didn't happen for us. The fact that you are in business suggests it doesn't happen all that often.

I figured if the insurance company had somebody fighting for them it would make sense for me to have someone to look out for my interest also. I am happy to state that my decision to hire you was a very sound one. I did not realize the intricacies that are evident in an insurance claim involving a business. Right off the bat, the insurance company started posturing about the application of coinsurance penalty to my building, contents, and business interruption claim. To me, the coinsurance penalty seems like a low ball tactic the insurance company uses to underpay its insured in their time of need. I am very pleased with your efforts and results on my claim. Your entire team of professionals was extremely responsive, knowledgeable, thorough, and most importantly patient and understanding.

...I am glad we brought you on our recovery team. Without you we would not have been able to maximize our building, contents and business interruption loss.…Your fees were well worth it.

Interior Solutions, Inc.

Up front I was reluctant to engage your services, feeling confident that I could manage all the details myself…Left to my own devices I would have left a large portion of this settlement on the table... Furthermore and maybe most importantly, I was able to sleep nights knowing my best interest were being protected... I want to take this opportunity to point out that the service was worth every penny of the commission charge for numerous reasons listed below:
· I was able to sleep nights. All negotiations were handled professionally between The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and the Insurance Company. This relieved me of this burdensome and time consuming task of communicating with the claim agents. A complete and very detailed inventory of all lost items was submitted for maximum consideration. Nothing was left to chance.
· On my own I would have left tens of thousands of dollars on the table during this on-going settlement without being the wiser.
· The Insurance Company was very difficult to deal with.
Our home is rebuilt now and I just received my final settlement check. In closing I want to thank you for your recommendation to hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to handle my loss.

I remain impressed with the precision and detail …used throughout the process. Seeing you climb through charred building remains in order to best help Newbury's recovery was a moral booster for many of us still in shock. Were it not for your expertise I suspect that many important items (one example being marketing materials) might have been overlooked given the magnitude of the crisis. The Business Interruption claim was a very complex process and your knowledge of how to best explain the Newbury position was the key to Hanover understanding the exposure. It was clear to me in the last claim meeting that the insurance company finally understood the precise nature of the claim, something that I know took many hours on your part.

We were part of a PEPIC (Public Entity Private Insurance Pool), and our broker and the PEPIC representative suggested that the maximum due us should have been the $500,000 that was in our policy’s schedule of values…When Gregg Clifford first met with us, he told us that our broker and our JPA representative were wrong and underscored the importance of presenting a claim that represented what we actually had before the fire…You were able to get the insurance company to acquiesce to your position regarding building values and you helped to navigate the many policy conditions that the insurance company attempted to interpret in their favor. You negotiated a settlement in our behalf of over twenty times their original proposal!...It is clear that we would not have done as well had we not retained your firm.

Manuel Sandoval, Finance Director
The City of Orange Cove, California
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