All Testimonials

It was clear that we had two tasks ahead of us, both of which seemed enormous from our perspective. One was the reconstruction of our facility and the research programs it supported, and the other was the insurance claims that we would have to handle. Fortunately for us, we received a referral to your firm and agreed to retain you. As I look back at all the things the insurance companies tried to do during the adjustment process to avoid paying the claims, I can only imagine how the claims would have been handled had we not had you as our advocate, our ally, and our spokesperson. Your belief in our claim, your unwavering support of our institution, your skills, your tenacity, and your determination clearly inured to our benefit and ultimately fostered a settlement that was beyond our expectations.

Harbor Branch, Oceanographic Institution

The experience and efforts of Arnie Abramson were invaluable for a speedy recovery.

Ano-Brite, Inc.

As a physician I've long appreciated the special rewards inherent in service that is perceived as extraordinary by one's clients…Your firm's professionalism, expertise and dedication to detail have produced results that frankly exceeded expectations. Of equal importance, your comprehensive management of the settlement process has allowed me and my fiancée to focus our energies on those things dear to us, our relationship, our careers and the rebuilding. The grief (financial and emotional) that your firm has spared us is difficult to calculate.

Jon Wack, M.D.

There is no doubt in my mind that because your company handled the claim in a professional and expeditious manner that we obtained the best settlement possible. Although we selected your company on the strength of our CPA's recommendation, we were able at a later time to get corroboration of that recommendation from professionals, past and present, within the insurance field itself. We feel fortunate to have made the right decision at a critical time.

Irvin X. Rosen, Secretary-Treasurer
Rosen's Electrical Equipment Co., Inc.

Your involvement helped to insure expeditious handling of the case, and therefore allowed Brandeis to function without any loss of service to its members or any break in our program.

The Brandeis-Bardin Institute

I never realized the complexity and details that were involved in obtaining a recovery of this magnitude. Mr. Johnson not only addressed all the problems that arose, but took control of structuring the claim to benefit our firm. It is obvious to me that Mr. Johnson is a pure professional in his field in regards to major fire loss claims. The investigation and settlement of the claim was done in a timely manner as not to lose us more valuable time. The actual dollar amount of the recovery is beyond our original expectations. I have no reservations in recommending your firm…

Ray Watt / Mark Humphries
Watt Industries
(Now: Developers Management Services)

Even though I had been a fire and casualty agent for over seven years, I am sure I would not have received the amount collected without the help of your firm…I was able to upgrade my rental property to a two bedroom, two bath duplex. On the sale of my property, I realized a gain of over $108,500.00. This additional money was clearly a result of Mr. Crown's expert knowledge of my policy of insurance and his superb ability in negotiating my claim.

Without a professional insurance counselor’s representation any company or individual is vulnerable to their own insurance carrier’s standards for settlement on a claim.

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