All Testimonials

This was a difficult time that was made easier with your services, intervention and oversight. We appreciate you and your team working with us to provide maximum coverage with our insurance carrier.

We cannot thank The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International enough for the time and effort they put into our claim. We would recommend their services without hesitation.

Lorenzo and Kimberly di Bonaventura
Warner Bros. Pictures

Looking back at the work you and your firm did to get me top dollar for my insurance claim is not only appreciated but it made a big difference when we started the fire restoration. Adjusters International did everything they said they would do and then some...It was a pleasure to see you hold State Farm Insurance accountable for the full amount of my insurance coverage. The money you charged was worth every penny because you saved me much aggravation, plus you got me such a great settlement. Thank you, thank you!

Your persistence and your expertise enabled us to obtain a fair settlement of our claim, which I believe would have been very difficult for us to achieve on our own.

Jerry Bloom, Past President

At the advice of a friend, I hired a Public Adjuster. I had never heard of such a thing but I will never again go through dealing with an insurance company without one. They are your advocate when dealing with the insurance company and they doubled our award. Doubled! (At a cost of 10%)…So I am telling everyone I know, if you ever have a fire, a flood, hurricane damage, earthquake damage...whatever... Get a public adjustor and I could not recommend a better one than The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International...

We appreciate the professional and expedient way in which you handled our account.

Not only were you thorough and knowledgeable about the asset listing and the prices, but you were kind, patient, and understanding…I particularly want to point out that you seem to know when Kathy was getting exhausted by the process and called a ‘break’ at that point. Your timing was excellent, and it enabled Kathy to get through a very emotional process without collapsing. I am impressed and amazed at your tenacity and your understanding.

We renovated the Osborn Building in 1986 and had it added to the National Historic Registry. The fire was devastating and we were faced with losing all the tenants as well as the difficulties in repairing a historic building. Dave suggested that the insurance company would under-estimate the loss, as they did by over 50%. Having you direct the contractors as to what was necessary to repair the building, retaining an engineer on our behalf to identify the problems in reconstruction and providing a detailed breakdown of all the errors in the insurance company’s expert’s scope of repairs, resulted in a recovery of over twice what was initially offered. In the beginning we were concerned about the cost of your services. As it turned out this was the best decision we could have made. Without you, we would not have recovered as much as we did. In addition, you saved us the stress and time of doing the work. We can only suggest to others that are faced with a major insurance claim, that they retain The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International; it will be the best decision they ever made.

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