All Testimonials

With…assistance and advice, this whole exercise progressed in the most efficient manner, and resulted in us obtaining a very satisfactory settlement from our Insurers.

Bahamas Telecommunications Corporation

The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International took the stress out of my hands and took charge of all that needed to be done. I saw first-hand how you very adeptly navigated my claim through the complex world of insurance always staying two steps ahead of the adjuster. Ultimately, the settlement achieved by your efforts was almost 2.5 times the initial offer. I am glad I had you on my side. I could not have done it alone.

Our family recently went through a devastatingly large fire loss that left only the foundation standing. My brother was burned and our home destroyed. It was the worst day in our lives. No one expects for something like this to happen to them, but it can happen, and it did for us. When I first spoke with Ken I was very impressed with his professionalism and experience. He was direct and honest about our claim and thoroughly explained the claims process. We knew it would be long and tedious, but trusted that Ken and his team would do the job. Ken’s constant updates and aggressive protection of our interest were instrumental in achieving the highest possible settlement for us. His knowledge, expertise, and negotiation skills were crucial in dealing with our insurance company.

Que en este tiempo tan difícil para nosotros nos ayudaron y guiaron durante todo el proceso. Siempre con la intención de ayudarnos lo más que se pudiera y recuperar todo lo perdido. Con la ayuda de Greenspan Co./Adjusters International pudimos recuperar mucha más que lo que esperábamos.

From our initial meeting, I knew that with your knowledge and tenacity, you would achieve results beyond what I could have done on my own, even after I paid for your services.

The Rapport Company

Your help over the past year has given us the time and the ability to focus on our families and our day to day operations of the business. Due to the circumstances before us, we have been distracted with 'putting out little f___s' and not been able to sit down and reflect on those who have worked with us up to this time. Your friendly ear and professional courtesy were greatly appreciated this past year.

Fregosi & Company Paints, Inc.

It has made us realize that insurance companies aren't there for us, when we really need them to be. They can also make your life very unsettling on top of everything else that is going on…We know you are doing your best for us, even if we can't see it at times…We know that we could not have done with this on our own. It would have been too overwhelming. There are so many ins and outs of insurance we don't know. It is a good feeling to know you're working for our best interest…Anne Marie, I want to thank you for taking your time to listen, care and help us. I know it was part of your job. What I really saw in you is a person who cares what people are going through. You give more than what your job asks for. You also give a part of yourself in your caring.

Although our loss was relatively small, I want to thank you for your enthusiastic and very competent efforts on our behalf.

William E. Leach, President
J & J Distributing Co., Inc.

We did some research and it became clear to us that yours was the firm that we wanted to represent us. We made the decision to hire your firm to represent our interest and to ensure that we would be able to rebuild and repair our facility. We never regretted our decision. The strategies your firm employed throughout the claims process thwarted the insurers' exhaustive efforts to undervalue the claim. You successfully convinced the insurance company and their consultants for the need to resolve our differences and reach an equitable resolution. I am pleased to say that goal was accomplished.

When we hired you after our gymnasium fire loss, we never expected the results we received from your involvement. Coregis Insurance Company initially reserved the loss at $350,000.00. Through your efforts, you were able to settle the gymnasium loss for in excess of $750,000.00 Your firm's ability to inventory and value all of the damaged personal property items belonging to the School District, teachers, and students was invaluable to us. I realize that a school district should have resources at its disposal to handle all situations that might arise. But there is no question in my mind that no one could possibly have someone on staff as skilled and knowledgeable as you and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. No one has Ken Crown ! My recommendation to any school administrator facing a large physical loss: Hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. It will be the best decision you will make!

Palo Alto Unified School District
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