All Testimonials

From the very start you gave me a sense of relief that my serious problems would be dealt with conscientiously, and the results leave me impressed, and most appreciative.

At the advice of our accounting firm we contacted Mr. Lucurell for help. Through his knowledge and experience he was able to persuade Zurich into further actions on the claim. He also was able to have partial settlement payments on the claim made allowing us to continue limited operations.

As a result of Mr. Lucurell's efforts, we reached a settlement without having to go to court. We are still in business and have the opportunity now to regain our position in the marketplace and continue our growth...

Esprit Graphic Communications, Inc.

You were right; I should have hired your firm immediately after my fire loss…Jody spent a great deal of time in detailing to the Nth degree all of the personal property items that were in my home. Through her efforts and your excellent negotiating skills with the Farmers adjuster, Sharon Sims, The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters international ended up securing an additional $121,000 on top of the $48,000 that Farmers Insurance had originally measured my personal property loss to be.

Your wealth of knowledge of our insurance policy was crucial in developing a successful strategy to deal with the many phases of our claim. There is no doubt in my mind that your extensive reconstruction experience added a great deal of additional value to the final scope of repairs that you were able to negotiate on our behalf. Your knowledge of the proper methods used to completely replace fire damaged materials, and removal of smoke residue as well as addressing water related mildew problems allowed us to fully restore the Hotel and Restaurant. When our insurance company adjuster attempted to penalize our recovery on the Business Personal Property Claim, and Building Claim, your ability to completely eliminate our (90%) ninety percent Co-insurance penalty was truly remarkable. You were instrumental in helping us through a very complex and time consuming task that absent your involvement would have undoubtedly resulted in a substantial financial loss.

He went 'out of his way' to have the 'personal touch' in representing your company. The extra phone calls; the prompt responses to our inquiries; the follow up "progress calls" all gave me a sense of security in not having to worry about the one more 'iron in the fire.

James C. Loomis, CPM, President
Loomis Properties, Inc.

As a licensed building contractor actively involved in the construction of commercial property, my initial reaction to dealing with the loss to my personal property was to handle all aspects of a settlement with my insurance company directly. However, in discussing my situation with a business associate who is deeply involved in fire rehabilitations and dealing with insurance carriers, he counseled me to strongly consider working with a public adjuster… I can say with absolute certainty that securing compensation, as the result of my property loss, could not have been handled more effectively… The efforts of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International assured that my property loss due to an accidental fire did not result in catastrophic financial loss.

Lance Nordbak
Construction Specialists

Arnie dealt with our insurance carrier and got us the money we needed in a timely manner in order for us to rebuild. In a very stressful situation Arnie's expertise, calmness and confidence was especially reassuring.

The Play Room

From the onset of our claim it was very obvious the Insurance Company's adjusters were minimizing our recovery and not properly assessing the damage of our custom home, which was totally destroyed as a result of the forest fire. You and your team of experts properly assessed the damage and submitted the claim reflecting the proper costs and damages and successfully negotiated a fair and equitable settlement for us. Your fee in excess of $100,000 was well earned and certainly fair considering the fact had we not engaged your services, the Insurance Company would have most probably only paid less than half of what your firm recovered on our behalf.

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