All Testimonials

We are really pleased with the results of your efforts and services on this highly important matter…Your experience and guidance got us a very satisfactory result.”

“The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International stayed on top of the carrier throughout the drawn out claim process…One of the biggest benefits of working with The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International was on our business interruption claim. While I have many years of experience with US GAAP, UK GAAP and IFRS – the accounting for our BI claim was essentially a new form of accounting…The total claims ended up being just under $50 million…The company did not have the internal resources to take on major workload of complying with all the carrier’s information requests, nor did it have the experience necessary to handle such a claim. Hiring The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International was a wise and prudent decision as without its input, guidance, assistance and perseverance; we would not have recovered the amount of funds we did and our claims would still be pending and even worse without the significant advances at the behest of The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International to the carrier, the company could have suffered even more severe financial consequences. I would highly recommend The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International to others based on their experienced and committed team.

Village Farms, LP

In the end we received almost 10 times the amount the insurance company initially offered us. We all almost fell on the floor when you told us the news. Thank you again for your assistance. We could not have done it without your help. We only wish we would have had you at that initial meeting when that preferred contractor onsite. I am sure we could have saved ourselves lots of time and frustration.

The hail storm damaged every single one of our 54 buildings and we were faced with the daunting tasking of evaluating what we needed in order to properly repair our buildings. We obviously did not know what we needed because we are not contractors or experts at repairing buildings. The insurance company came in, acting as if they were on our side, and offered to estimate the loss for us. Looking back, we should have seen an immediate red flag. We, after much delay, found out the hard way that letting the insurance company estimate our loss was not a good idea…After we found ourselves hung out to dry by the insurance company we did not know where to run…I consider every unit owner in the complex lucky that we made the smart decision to hire The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International to stop the insurance company from continuing on the same path. It was clear, immediately after retaining your services, you were on the job. You took control of the adjustment process and told the insurance company what we were entitled to receive. You were unwavering in your approach and negotiation.

Scottsdale Mission HOA

Your attention to the minute details was surprising, yet obviously paid off in a settlement in excess of $3.3 million dollars. I recall the insurance company’s initial building valuation was in the $1,250,000 range...We now have a brand new building that is state of the art, both in energy efficiency and ADA compliancy. We now have a kitchen that can cater to all of the members of the fraternity. Even after paying your fee, we had more than adequate dollars to not only do the repairs, but to upgrade the building substantially. There’s no doubt in my mind that had we not retained your firms services, we would have probably collected a million dollars less than what you ultimately secured.

Theta Iota Chapter of Kappa Sigma Housing Corporation

…With the assistance of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International I was able to pick up the pieces and continue running my business without the headache of having to deal with insurance issues. You handled our case with tremendous expertise and were able to get us a phenomenal settlement.

M. A. R.’s Engineering Company, Inc.

If I had tried to handle this claim myself, I would have probably only collected 60% to 70% of what your office was able to secure on my behalf. Your efforts in adjusting my building claim resulted in collecting 30% more than State Farm initially offered for my repairs.

Nourollah B. Ghorbani, M.D., Inc.

Just a note to tell you how terrific you are! When people have problems that they are not familiar with they need an expert. Having this fire was a real experience for me and without you would have been a disaster.

Technolite & Lighting West

Going into this ordeal with little to no experience and facing an insurance carrier and their adjuster who deals with these situations daily, made for an initial frustrating assessment of our ability to receive the coverage we had paid for. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International more than leveled the playing field. I highly recommend the use of an adjuster in times such as these, and the one I always recommend first is The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International.

Escondido Humane Society
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