All Testimonials

It would seem that the Insurance Company threw every possible obstacle in our path, but you were able to overcome all the problems and their intransigence and you were able to obtain my complete entitlement under the policy. Bill, the adjusting process was a real eye-opener. One of the things that turned out to be important to me was the care and your helping hand. The moments right after the fire are most traumatic. You see your life has gone up in smoke, unless you have gone through it there is nothing that can prepare you for that moment. You did more than just collect the money due me (that the Company didn't really want to pay), you helped me get through what was probably the roughest emotional moment in my life.

David L. Abell, Inc.

The morning after our fire, a neighboring lady dropped by who had a similar disaster (single Mom with teenagers) and related how The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International had saved her and suggested your firm…nothing happens by accident, and the relationship started…a more pleasant, efficient, compassionate, and sensitive one I cannot imagine. Kenny we have always felt was not just a business person (necessary as it had to be) to and for us, but one whom I feel I can call “friend” as well…The myriad of calls, arrangements, complications, etc., would never have been resolved to our satisfaction I’m sure without Kenny’s experience and constant availability, especially with older clients such as we.

You immediately assembled a team of professionals from Adjusters International to counteract the army of consultants that the insurance company brought on the claim. Your construction team and engineering reference were tremendous assets. The carrier initially offered approximately $700,000 to settle the matter. The settlement of $1.2 Million that you ultimately got was more in line with what the proper measure of my loss was. You did such a great job that both my Property Manager and my Bank felt that next time any of their clients suffered such a situation they knew to call you and Adjusters International…For the price the result that you achieved was tremendous.

I recall vividly the overwhelming number of post-fire tasks that were required to bring order out of the chaos that resulted from trying to respond to the ongoing demands of a busy manufacturing company, determining the proper course of action to handle the many hazardous materials involved and getting the clean-up started, determining disposition of customer goods that were in plant at the time of the fire, identifying and initiating the actions necessary to restart some production flow, etc., etc. With all this going on, it quickly became obvious that we would also have to enter into complex and technical negotiations with the insurance company in order to sustain the flow of needed insurance funds, negotiations for which none of us at our company were really qualified. Your company provided an inventory man to help us count the pieces even as they were still smoldering in the destroyed shop. You hired an experienced appraiser to work with the inventory man. You also provided a very competent CPA specialized in this type of insurance loss accounting. She quickly helped us to set up our 'fire accounting' system, and provided us with valuable tax accounting tips. You personally negotiated with the insurance company's lead adjuster in many sessions over several months.

Santa Clara Plating Co., Inc.

As you well know they were very hesitant to pay a claim at all and without all of your help they never would have. Their ridiculous offers and rejections would have definitely put us out of business forever…It was worth all the hassles and hard knocks just for the privilege of getting to know you… Although the adjusters advised us we didn't need you, without you we would have surely perished, as did our business in the fire.

Food King Market, Inc.

Very few times in my fifty-two years has any company lived up to my expectations. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International surpassed my expectations and they made a very rough situation as smooth as it could possibly have been. Between the small print in a policy, and the obfuscation committed expertly by insurance agents, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's services are worth twice what they charge.

Nilson Brothers Garage

You have been professional in every respect. You even found the time to listen and be sympathetic to tales I'm sure you've heard a hundred times before. It is indeed the unexpected acts of understanding and patience that make you stand apart.

Kings Cabinet, Inc.

Your talent, skill, tenaciousness, and calm demeanor have been a source of comfort to me during some really tough days. Your abilities have always instilled confidence that our pursuit would end in a victory we could all savor...Your warmth, listening skills, and kindness along the way are appreciated. You are a professional in the true sense of the word. Thank you for the respect and concern you have shown me personally.

Stonecrest Patio Homeowners Association
1368 of 2430