All Testimonials

Working with you and your staff made me realize that I would not have been as successful dealing with the insurance company alone. The process of settling an insurance claim was far more complex than I ever imagined. You are your staff provided the expertise needed to settle my claim equitably.

Yukimura's, Inc.

As you know, almost 90% of my investment motel burned to the ground. I was faced with an insurance policy I acquired when I purchased the property that appeared to be deficient and I was looking at a major co-insurance penalty based on the amount of coverage I had enforce verses the values that were existing... I would also like to point out the Bruce was able to get almost my entire policy limits even though I was faced with over a 50% co-insurance penalty based on my replacement values. Again, the assistance your company allowed me to pay off my existing loan, enter the property into an escrow and maximum my recovery in these difficult economic times. Thank you and your team of experts on your staff for the incredible recovery.

Chateau Inn, South Lake Tahoe, CA

If you ask us, the expertise and knowledge of individuals such as Clay Gibson and Kenneth Crown at The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International is invaluable to anyone who’s experienced a loss. Your fees were fair and worth every penny.

I admit I was skeptical at first about using a public insurance adjuster. But now, after the settlement, I truly understand just how complicated and time consuming it is to properly file a loss claim and how knowledgeable The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is in this specialized area of insurance. My large commercial building was severely damaged by the fire. The building estimate obtained by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was very technical in nature and not the kind of documentation I had the time or experience to produce. Randy, you left no stone unturned in documenting my loss. In addition, you also kept me up to date on how my claim was progressing, explaining every detail to me and answering all my questions. I was able to relax and devote all of my time and energy to keeping my business going after the fire, knowing that you were doing everything possible to see I received a fair settlement.

Fred Vickers, President
Vickers Concrete Sawing, Inc.

Prior to retaining your services, I had thought that I would be successful in negotiating a settlement on my own with Civil Service Employees Insurance. After realizing that I was in need of a specialist in this field, I contacted your firm. I would also like to thank you for your speedy and diligent response to my phone calls and inquiries. You kept me up to date on my claim and were helpful in explaining how the policy provisions relate to my loss.

Jessica, in my view, is the consummate insurance claims professional. She has those qualities that are not seen very often anymore; through knowledge of policy provisions and unique coverages, she constantly kept us apprised of the progress of the claim, demonstrated attention to detail, had a well developed and thought out strategy for handling the claim to maximize our recovery, and has the wonderful attribute of promptly returning telephone calls and emails and responding to correspondence. My only regret is that we did not engage your firm immediately following the loss as we made a number of missteps early on that have delayed the reconstruction process.

Initially, our insurance company denied coverage and it was only after our broker recommended you that we began to see some action. Clearly, we should have hired you sooner. We now understand that there may have been benefits afforded to us had we allowed you to handle the claim from the start. Like most other people, we did not understand that the insurance company is really out for its own interests, not ours, even though in our hearts we would like to believe otherwise. You and your team prepared our claim, argued our claim and settled our claim quickly and efficiently.

At the conclusion of his assessment, Mr. Arnold spent one and one half days at the association's final meeting discussing the results of his findings and answering questions. The successful outcome of his hard work was evident by the smiles on the faces of the owners. Dealing with Mr. Arnold left us with a satisfied feeling of a job well done by a very qualified, professional representative of your company.

Asociacion de Condomines
1464 of 2430