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As the old adage goes, a company is only as good as its people. From the inception, Bill Greenspan took the lead in selecting a professional team of experts from within his company to evaluate and nitpick our insurance policy, prepare detailed inventory of business and personal property and retained a construction consultant to establish the scope of work and assist in determining the cost of the physical rehabilitation of the fire damaged structure. It would be naïve to assume that the insurance carrier has its client's best interest at heart and is prepared to offer him the optimum settlement for his loss. You need someone like Bill Greenspan and his team of experts on your side to pull for you, to prepare, present and negotiate your claim.

Contech Consultants, Inc.

In hindsight, choosing to hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was the wisest decision I could have made. Simply put, they did all of the work ... and there's no doubt that their expertise enabled me to get a substantially larger settlement than I ever would have been able to get by myself. It was a pleasure working with them!

We talked with several public adjusters before deciding on The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. Your professionalism, reasonable fees and personal support, to say nothing of recommendations from other fire victim made it an easy choice. We are convinced that your "eagle eyes" and firm but diplomatic approach with our insurance company has "brought us back home". David and I know it was your determined encouragement which enabled us to pursue the arduous task of itemizing our personal property. There is no question in our minds that working with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to settle our claim under these stressful circumstances was the best investment we could have made.

Beth and David Hoge

...He was always right on the job, he understood the problems. He is a first class professional. He did what nobody else could do. He came up with the ideas and answers to make a difference.

Your efforts handling all the aspects involving inventory recovery and valuation, emergency construction and repair, replacement valuation, and negotiations with our carrier were tremendous. David, you proved beyond any shadow of doubt, that had we not contracted for The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's invaluable service, we would have lost an enormous sum of money, time and energy.

I naturally assumed my insurance company would take care of everything; I knew nothing of public adjusters. I was contacted by David Droubay, and David professionally, and with sensitivity, explained step by step the value that your firm could and would add to the adjustment process if we were to engage your services. We did the research, checking you out on the internet, and reading your material, and decided that working with your firm made sense. Randy has done an excellent job representing us throughout this process and we feel that he is totally deserving of recognition for his ability and performance. It has been a pleasure to work with him and his associates through this stressful process. We know that it was by his professionalism, integrity, and dedication, that we were able to secure such a timely and satisfactory settlement. We have informed everyone we know, and some we don’t know, to contact your office before they even speak to their insurance company in the event of a major claim.

2017: In the unfortunate event you’ve sustained a fire or other property casualty at one of your properties and are considering bringing a public adjuster to facilitate the insurance adjustment (which, while I was reticent to do myself at first, I would strongly suggest), I’d HIGHLY recommend utilizing the services of The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International. If you should choose to bring them on, I’m very confident the additional insurance proceeds they’ll collect on your behalf will more than pay for their fee, perhaps many multiple times over, and will in large part relieve you and your colleagues of the arduous and time consuming adjustment/ claim process. The folks at The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International are extremely knowledgeable, professional, effective, and borderline invaluable, and I trust you’d walk away from the process echoing the same sentiments.

2015: I can say without equivocation in the event that a property of ours sustains a fire in the future, we’ll be contracting with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to protect our interests and manage any such claim. I’m very confident the additional insurance proceeds they’ll collect on your behalf will more than pay for their fee, perhaps many multiples over, and will for the most part relieve you and your colleagues of the arduous and time-consuming adjustment/claim process. I’ve found the folks at The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to be highly knowledgeable, professional and effective, and, in assessing my experience in working with them, they’re worth their weight in gold.

Needless to say, the immediate aftermath of the fire was a time of considerable anxiety and uncertainty for those of us charged with the task of rebuilding the Program. As a non-profit public interest organization, we had almost no experience dealing with the miasma of complicated issues involved in coping with such an overwhelming event…I seriously doubt that we would have ever been able to restore our operations to normal so promptly or so well if Richard had not been helping us. His services were invaluable and I commend both him and your firm for the expertise and professionalism that were shown to us.

NHeLP National Health Law Program, Inc.
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