All Testimonials

At the conclusion of his assessment, Mr. Arnold spent one and one half days at the association's final meeting discussing the results of his findings and answering questions. The successful outcome of his hard work was evident by the smiles on the faces of the owners. Dealing with Mr. Arnold left us with a satisfied feeling of a job well done by a very qualified, professional representative of your company.

Asociacion de Condomines

It is very rare when one is able to work with someone who is as detailed and professional as you and your firm…I am sure we would not have been as successful as you have been in obtaining fair and equitable compensation from our insurance carrier.

FM Wholesale Quality Meats

Although I was a little skeptical in the beginning, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind now that we did the right thing in contracting with your company.

County of Monroe / Key West, FL

I remain impressed with the precision and detail …used throughout the process. Seeing you climb through charred building remains in order to best help Newbury's recovery was a moral booster for many of us still in shock. Were it not for your expertise I suspect that many important items (one example being marketing materials) might have been overlooked given the magnitude of the crisis. The Business Interruption claim was a very complex process and your knowledge of how to best explain the Newbury position was the key to Hanover understanding the exposure. It was clear to me in the last claim meeting that the insurance company finally understood the precise nature of the claim, something that I know took many hours on your part.

The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International have done an extraordinary job which was more than I expected. We had worked together so friendly over the few months, and this team has worked so hard to recover everything for our loss. Today, everyone in my family is so happy to return to our new home. I highly recommend the The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to be a representative for everyone who is looking for a public adjuster for the home accidental loss. I believe that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International has the experience and ability necessary to negotiate with the insurance company to bring every customer the best result.

Your efforts in collecting the fire damage from the insurance company proved most helpful and rewarding. You dealt with the insurance company in a most professional manner.

Albee's Discount Appliances

We knew that if we confined our efforts to restoring our business we would succeed, we also knew that if we had to divert even a small amount of our energies to the insurance adjustment both our business and the claim would suffer. We were also aware that we would have to deal with a trained adjuster sent by the insurance company to represent its interests-not ours. We were in a predicament. Even though we have attorneys and CPA's on retainer we are convinced that our own adjuster is the appropriate person to represent us in the adjustment of an insured property claim. Ken never left us alone with the many representatives and experts sent by the insurance company. He often met with them on his own allowing us to continue undiverted along the path towards full business restoration. He kept us well advised and he always consulted us before making any decision of consequence. His attention and diligence provided us with much more than just financial benefit. The substantial fee we paid to your company was earned many times over. We are certain that our recovery even after paying your fee was significantly greater than it would have been had we handled this claim on our own or with the advice of our attorneys and CPA's.

Martin W. Greenwald, President
Image Entertainment, Inc.

Our insurance company adjuster initially indicated that he would advocate our interests and that retaining a public adjuster was not necessary. We learned very quickly that this was a tactic to reduce the payout on our claim… The insurance company initially estimated the claim at approximately $100,000. Our ultimate recovery was almost 3 times what the carrier had offered. The charge for your services was well worth the investment.

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