All Testimonials

I just want to say thanks to you for fighting on my behalf and all the things you do behind the scenes that no one knows about. I know my claim isn’t that much and probably has turned out to be less than you thought but I appreciate what you and your team of people have done.

We are especially thankful for your untiring ability to stand up to the State Farm people who were trying to force-feed us a settlement that was not in keeping with what you and we thought was a fair settlement offer.

Oakwood Condominium Home Owners

This was a difficult time that was made easier with your services, intervention and oversight. We appreciate you and your team working with us to provide maximum coverage with our insurance carrier.

I never anticipated your being able to secure such a high settlement, which was more than four times what I expected to get had I negotiated with the insurance company myself. You not only secured much more dollars than I anticipated, but helped alleviate a lot of the burdens that I would have to deal with in dealing with my insurance carrier.

Fred Fahimy, D.D.S., F.A.C.P.

When we contacted the insurance company’s adjuster his biggest expressed concern was that we needed to keep the cost down and use a cheap contractor for the rebuild even though we had a quality custom home. I envisioned a lot of heartburn and sleepless nights. A friend recommended your company. We met with your people and felt better right away. I am sure that we recovered twice as much, even after your commission, than we would have working only with the insurance company people.

Your prompt professional handling of our claim resulted in a settlement which we feel is very satisfactory, and I would like to thank you and each of the members of your staff who worked on this claim for us. Your thorough knowledge of the construction process as well as the loss of income coverage was essential to our final settlement.

Norview Marina Associates, Inc.

In retrospect we feel it was an excellent decision to engage your services in assisting us in determining the loss and in working out a settlement with the insurance companies involved.

Occidental College

We are very happy with the settlement we ended up with and I think we came out with a lot more after subtracting your fee than we would have doing this on our own…I am sure there are a lot of naïve people out there who think insurance companies are eager to write million dollar checks for any legitimate claim. This didn't happen for Dr. Pitts and it didn't happen for us. The fact that you are in business suggests it doesn't happen all that often.

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