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When we suffered the devastating fire to our home in Santa Cruz, I thought with my background (being Deputy County Counsel for the County of Santa Clara) I had the bandwidth to handle my own claim. Little did I know of all the issues that would arise along with the countless hours of documentation that would be needed to secure payment for our losses. Fortunately, I was recommended to you by several attorneys whom you have worked with over the years…Our home is now rebuilt and although I would never wish a fire on anyone, our home is now more beautiful & larger than it was before…What can I say other than to share with you how much we appreciate the job you and The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International performed in the adjustment of our claim with Mercury Casualty Insurance.

I believe the satisfactory settlement with our insurance carrier was due solely to the thorough and professional manner in which this claim was handled by your company… Thank you for your superior business practices, advise and support that made this ordeal more bearable.

Interstate Plastics

We would like to take this opportunity to tell you that our experience with all of the people that we met with from your company has been of great satisfaction.

Superior Moulding

After the fire that completely destroyed our home, you took a heavy load and a lot of worry off of our backs. Your professional and courteous attitudes, expert knowledge, and patience in handling my specific issues were very important to me during that very challenging time...I thank God everyday for putting you in my path when I needed you most. I know it wasn't easy but you all did a marvelous job. I appreciate you more than words can say and recommend you highly to anyone needed representation, help, or even questions answered when trying to deal with insurance companies after disasters whether natural or personal.

The relief and peace of mind obtained by turning over this battle to experts made any expense worthwhile.

...when a fire burnt our building to the ground, my partners and I knew we were in over our heads…it became apparent that our loss was going to be very complicated...Working with you…simplified our experience. You were able to maximize our recovery.

McIntyre Tile

The company was efficient, diligent, hardworking, and quite remarkable in bringing everything to conclusion.

Regent Mary Ellen H. O. A.

We specifically commend Anne Marie Lukas in organizing our inventory and your shrewd negotiations in bringing us a settlement that exceeded our expectations.

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