All Testimonials

The bottom line is that we simply could not have recovered from our disastrous fire without your professional assistance. Like most, I was initially skeptical of independent adjusters and at the time of the loss, I was positive I could go it alone. However, it soon became apparent that there would be no help forthcoming from my insurance carrier without prolonged negotiations on every issue. Turning those negations over to you allowed me to concentrate on returning my company to production and distribution. To those clients who will read this letter... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International knows more about the insurance industry than the average businessman. Let them battle as equals with your carrier... the relatively small commission paid to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was more than made up for by the eventual size of the claim I received. I estimated they doubled what I could have negotiated myself... their accountants prepared documents prepared documents with teeth for me. The time they spent preparing spreadsheets and quantitative evidence freed my staff to resume normal duties. Simply returning to production, handling personnel issues, and sustaining sales and accounts is overwhelming enough.

PolyFiber Aircraft Coatings

You were very supportive and did a wonderful job in keeping us informed of the various processes that were taking place. You were easily accessible by phone to answer any questions or worries that we had, and were just a downright good friend through a miserable situation.

Alfred Willmann
Willmann Pine Antiques

Like most people, I had little interest or idea and less inclination to attempt to interpret my insurance policy and determine what we should fairly and correctly expect to receive as compensation from our carrier. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's experience, credentials, and testimonials quickly put us at ease and immediately minimized our anticipated stress and frustration of having to work through the settlement process. This alone, I personally valued at 50% of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's fee... We are sure, due to our own inexperience, we probably would have settled for considerably less than what we were fairly entitled to under the terms of our policy. That is just the way the process works and is not a criticism of my insurance carrier. Bottom line - The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, in my opinion, definitely earned their commission and I would strongly recommend them to anyone who suffers the loss of their home and are seeking peace of mind and fair treatment in resolving the many issues that can arise from such a situation.

Immediately following the fire, it became clear that dealing with the insurance company, inspectors, contractor, etc. was going to be both taxing and time consuming. It was a great relief to be able to put the entire matter in your hands.

I wanted to thank you for your wise counsel and hard work on behalf of Modesto City Schools. I have no doubt that your direct involvement alone was responsible in our achieving a fair settlement with our former insurance company.

Modesto City Schools

We feel we had a great team…These guys did a great job and were extremely professional. They held our hands throughout the entire venture, attended all meetings and were always just a phone call away…They were extremely diligent and thorough, and helped us through this difficult period.

During the course of these hard times, Mr. Migdal has always been tremendously attentive, punctual, kind sympathetic and professional. His patience, positive nature, eloquence and knowledge are worthy of our highest praise…Our phone calls were always answered immediately or within 24 hours, our numerous inquiries received the utmost attention and research when necessary…Under the circumstances, only such a unique conductor could orchestrate and coordinate this piece of work, since all the players (Golden Eagle Insurance) were immensely out of tune!!

St. Honore Bakery

We want to take this opportunity to thank you and your most capable staff for the efficient way you handled our loss. Your organization certainly took a lot of the pain out of a very tragic and traumatic situation.

Arnold Kalmick, President
California Greetings, Inc.
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