All Testimonials

Your involvement helped to insure expeditious handling of the case, and therefore allowed Brandeis to function without any loss of service to its members or any break in our program.

The Brandeis-Bardin Institute

The professionalism of the The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International organization pulled me through psychologically and monetarily. Without their assistance my losses would have been considerably greater.

beale's / main line

Frankly, I was a bit skeptical but considering everything I had going on and with the holidays approaching I felt I would be best served by letting a professional handle my claim. I had already met with Farmers and although they were friendly, I was less than impressed...What can I say? Thank you so much for everything. Your services were truly worth every dime and I got much more than the band-aid that Farmers wanted to put on my house. Your team did everything they said they would do and more.

Welcome to the side of the insurance industry they never show in their ads! If you have never had the experience of trying to collect on a large insurance claim before I am sure you do not realize how badly you need the help of an expert like Bill Greenspan. It's easy to think 'I've been a good customer and paid my premiums for years so now those good folks will rush to my assistance just like in the ads.' Well perhaps...but let's look at the economics. After all economics and law are what drive and shape the behavior of businesses.

Countryman Associates, Inc.

While we previously handled an insurance loss with our carrier, we knew from our last experience that the army of consultants that the insurance company placed on their dime was purely to lookout for itself and not us. Without your help we could not have obtained the favorable result. Of course, this is not to mention the amount of time, effort and distraction from our own business it would have taken us to recover any funds. Your services were based on contingency model, which we thought was fair and properly incentivized. Thank you for getting us back to business.

Thank you and your staff for the professional and compassionate way in which our claim was brought to a successful conclusion.

You not only collected 40% more than the insurance carrier initially wanted to pay us, but you also convinced the insurance company to pay us the fair rental value for our home (furnished), even though the policy only covered additional living expenses. With the additional monies from the fair rental value payment, we were able to purchase the RV we’ve always wanted!…You more than earned your fee and provided us peace of mind in not having to worry about all the minute details involved in adjusting our claim with the insurance carrier.

American Steel & Stairways, Inc.

We are a cautious group of homeowners, very thorough and deliberate. It took us some time to make up our minds but in retrospect the decision to hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to represent us was one of the best choices we have made over the years...The claim presented to State Farm was realistic and was supported by the evidence gathered and accumulated. The insurance company adjuster had to have been impressed by its quality and completeness, as was every one of our Directors...Even after paying The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International its fee, we are convinced that had we not retained your services, we still would have never received a net settlement anywhere close to what Arnie was able to obtain for us. Your company was worth every penny that we paid you.

Westholme Executive Townhomes
1640 of 2430