All Testimonials

The company was efficient, diligent, hardworking, and quite remarkable in bringing everything to conclusion.

Regent Mary Ellen H. O. A.

You and your team have provided invaluable assistance in the College's recovery efforts in response to Tropical Storm Allison in 2001. Your knowledge of the often complex FEMA process, coupled with your insurance industry experience, have been of enormous benefit to us.

Baylor College of Medicine

The morning after our fire, a neighboring lady dropped by who had a similar disaster (single Mom with teenagers) and related how The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International had saved her and suggested your firm…nothing happens by accident, and the relationship started…a more pleasant, efficient, compassionate, and sensitive one I cannot imagine. Kenny we have always felt was not just a business person (necessary as it had to be) to and for us, but one whom I feel I can call “friend” as well…The myriad of calls, arrangements, complications, etc., would never have been resolved to our satisfaction I’m sure without Kenny’s experience and constant availability, especially with older clients such as we.

At the time we signed up, I had misgivings about the services that we were to receive. I sensed a reluctance by Kemper Insurance Co. and I know McDonald's Corporation was unhappy that your firm had been hired…I doubt that with all the mental problems I had at the time, both personal and business, I could have completed the claim so successfully in the amount of money and within the time frame that it was completed.

George J. Feldman, Owner Operator
McDonald's Barstow

The settlement and our experiences with you, demonstrate that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International places its client's interests ahead of all others. Furthermore, your expertise and experience as adjusters of losses for the Insured has been an invaluable asset to us in our insurance claim.

Peter A. Zwichorowski, Esq.

Had we allowed Farmers Insurance to adjust this loss, we probably would have only collected 50% of what you were able to secure on our behalf. Your fees were certainly worth the expense in light of my father and I not having to deal with all of the complex issues that arose. You took much of the burden off our shoulders and your fee was well worth it.

(daughter of John Lee Hooker)

As a lawyer, a career labor negotiator and an author of a text on that subject, I thought I was up to the task of working out a settlement with the insurance company that would provide me enough money to do the job. Wow, was I wrong!...I soon realized that the complexity of ascertaining the true cost of construction, putting it in the form that insurance companies were used to looking at (Xactimate), and cajoling the insurance company to open the purse was well beyond my competency and experience… The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International was able to achieve a settlement with the insurance company that was approximately 75% more than we would have received had we accepted what the insurer originally was willing to pay. We were happy to pay the commission…I learned, after the fact, that the process would have gone even better had we brought The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International on board from the very beginning rather than after the insurer had made its initial determination of the amount it would pay…When a homeowner or a business owner has to face off with an insurance company without the help of experts, it’s not a fair fight. One needs to have an expert speaking for him or her. These folks are pros. What was particularly interesting to me was that Ken and his team didn’t approach the insurance company in an adversarial way. It was always in a conciliatory and cooperative manner, and it was clear to me that such an approach yielded much better results than a combative or adversarial posture. Moreover, they spoke the same language and understood the same rules as the insurer’s adjuster…We couldn’t have done this without them.

Your assistance and the competence of your Company relieved us of a tremendous amount of heartache at a time when our lives were in a state of chaos.

Walsh Construction Co., Inc.
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