All Testimonials

We were now faced with the problem of running our business and trying to formulate our claim to our Insurance Company. We realized very early that it was all we could do to try to continue our business, so we hired The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to handle our Building, Personal Property and Loss of Earnings claims. We generally make good business decisions and hiring you was another good one...You came in and 'took the bull by the horns.' You gave us the direction we needed to maximize our recovery. You brought in the necessary experts to put our claim together in a quick and accurate fashion that gave rise to the great results we achieved.

Academy Manufacturing Co., Inc.

It is now four months later, and what would truly have been a nightmare, turned out to be simply a very bad dream…I have written this letter in order to let you know that even though your fee was substantial, it was fair and you earned it.

Jason's Liquors, Inc.

You promptly inventoried our losses at your expense. The engineers and contractors who you hired gave their estimates promptly enabling you to produce documents proving the extent of our losses…Thank you again for bringing what would have been an impossible task to a quick and smooth conclusion…And then doing more.

Linda Rush & William A. Rush, M.D., F.A.C.S
The Good Samaritan Medical Group

After wasting over two years trying to document and support our claim on our own, our only regret is not bringing The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International on board earlier…The professional negotiating skills of Joe La Brunda were critical in achieving our final settlement at full policy limits…His expertise in reviewing the facts, obtaining meaningful reports, his non-combative presentation, and timing were fundamental in achieving such a settlement.

...Triple G Dairy realizes that your firm’s knowledge of the insurance policy and your negotiations skills enabled us to obtain a significantly higher settlement than was being offered by the insurance company.

Triple G Dairy, Inc.

Arnie was as kind and patient as he was generous with his time. He came to site visits and Board meetings willingly and cheerfully, as needed. He patiently explained our rights and limitations in terms we laymen could understand. Arnie interceded effectively for us at every juncture.

Vista Bahia Condominium Owners

You were able to get us the maximum allowable on our flood insurance policies and 80% more than our cost to rebuild on the wind damage policies.

Your company stepped in with quick and timely advice as to what we should do to protect the building from further damage and to protect our rights under the insurance policy. We were concerned with valuation issues, however, through your efforts you were able to make those problems go away. We now know that when a loss occurs we need to deal with the continuation of our business so we let you deal with the many issues of handling the fire claim.

Universal Chiropractic and Nutrition Center
1688 of 2430