All Testimonials

When we began dealing with the day to day details of establishing a claim we realized that we were not speaking the same language as our Insurance Company and through a business recommendation, hired The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to handle our claim.

We know that your diligence, intuitiveness and gentle prodding enabled us to document our claim in a complete, professional manner…From ashes and total destruction we were able to build our dream home. Our lives have a new beginning with peace and serenity.

I am and for the past five years have been a member of the project's Board of Directors. I am an attorney by training, and for the last ten years have become a real estate asset manager/developer. Other members on our Board include a real estate broker, a major San Francisco South Bay Area construction materials supply executive, an accounting executive, a residential real estate broker, and a paralegal. I have never before had the experience of dealing with a public adjuster, so the whole concept was foreign to me, as it was to our Board. In our Board's initial dealings with the project's insurance carrier, it became apparent early on that we required professional assistance; especially inasmuch as most Board members are absentee owners, and we all owe our association's members the highest fiduciary duty…Professionalism, empathy, consideration, compassion and competence to the nth degree; all at a very trying time. Our Board made the right decision when we hired The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, and how grateful we all are. I'm a lawyer and as you know, lawyers rarely have good things to say about anyone other than themselves.

Kahala I at Polpu Kai

The matter had languished for some time in litigation until we retained you and your consultants and experts. We believe that the overall result was more than satisfactory. We particularly appreciated the fact that you devoted your efforts and resources, including costs, without hesitation in order to assist us in pursuing the matter. Your knowledge of the opposing parties, their attorneys and carriers and matters of policy interpretation and customary recoveries was also most helpful.

Erskine & Tulley

I was extremely impressed with how you and Chris evaluated my loss of income claim and responded to the questions raised by the experts retained by Glacier Ice. I certainly could not have handled this claim by myself.

Dandesign West, Inc.

At the advice of our accounting firm we contacted Mr. Lucurell for help. Through his knowledge and experience he was able to persuade Zurich into further actions on the claim. He also was able to have partial settlement payments on the claim made allowing us to continue limited operations.

As a result of Mr. Lucurell's efforts, we reached a settlement without having to go to court. We are still in business and have the opportunity now to regain our position in the marketplace and continue our growth...

Esprit Graphic Communications, Inc.

My business suffered a catastrophic loss due to fire. After the initial shock had worn off, there were a myriad of issues to be dealt with to rebuild my profitable operation as quickly as possible. It rapidly became apparent that this endeavor would more than consume all of my energies. The insurance requirements for documentation e.g. estimates for replacement of items lost due to the fire as well as all the business records to substantiate my claim and all supporting evidence, (photos, computer records, accounting records…) would turn out to be another full time job that I was not prepared to assume, particularly since a lot of these items were lost in the fire. It also became apparent that my insurance carrier was not going to be an ally to help fairly settle my claim.

Artisan Glass Works

As soon as The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International assembled their team, and began their investigations, it was evident that we shared the same priorities, interests, securities, and vision…a successful claim! We don’t have enough words to express, the dedication, determination, techniques, and the experience they set forth for us. We avoided litigation, additional stress, and left everything in the hands of competent and skilled professionals. Within 2 weeks we began to see remarkable results in the advancement of our claim, shortly after tremendous hard work, investigations, research, reports, and meeting we obtained confirmation of settlement partial settlement. The value that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International has, can’t be labeled with a dollar sign, they’re value is far beyond that!!

Miriam E. Flores, Administrative Assistant
La Perla Tapatia
1720 of 2430