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....we inquired with friends who had similar losses and they all recommended The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International... We were able to go on with our business knowing we didn’t have to be concerned with dead lines and knowing we were getting what we had paid for out of our insurance policy... The obvious claims were settled quite rapidly, the implied claims took longer, when it was over were are certain we received all we had coming and were pleasantly surprised we received a lot more than we would have if we tried to do it ourselves; we were very satisfied with Going into this ordeal with little to no experience and facing an insurance carrier and their adjuster who deals with these situations daily, made for an initial frustrating assessment of our ability to receive the coverage we had paid for. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International more than leveled the playing field. I highly recommend the use of an adjuster in times such as these, and the one I always recommend first is The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and feel it was the best investment we could have made.

John Knaak, Vice President
Blue Banner Company Inc.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, Jim Feller and Ken Elkman for all of the hard work you did in obtaining a settlement of more than we expected. We also appreciate the fact that there were no additional costs to the Homeowners Association, beyond what we first agreed to.

Northbrooke Homeowners Association Board
of Directors

You and your team have provided invaluable assistance in the College's recovery efforts in response to Tropical Storm Allison in 2001. Your knowledge of the often complex FEMA process, coupled with your insurance industry experience, have been of enormous benefit to us.

Baylor College of Medicine

Your team did an excellent job of analyzing the coverage, identifying opportunities, coordinating resources and available data, and generally marshalling the effort. It was worth noting here that the claim itself was a little dicey, at least from a proof standpoint. Again your team made absolutely the most of the claim and prosecuted it in respect to our insurance carrier with deft and expertise.

At first I was doubtful of the need to hire someone to help me get the money that was our due. It was the best business decision we had made in a while.

Gummow Investments

While we relied on our insurance company to help us in our time of need by “being good neighbors” in our time of need, Silvi and I quickly learned early that the chips were not on our side. Our adjuster was quite insensitive and simply not interested in working to maximize our insurance benefits. Rather, all along she placed obstacles to nickel and dime us every step of the way. We are glad to have met you and the experts at Greenspan. Your team did a fantastic job. Your construction experts worked with our architect to forensically document all the nuances of our home. Jenny Schulz spent countless hours documenting damaged contents that were burned beyond recognition. She paid special detail to the age and condition of our property. With your efforts we were able to maximize our recovery on our building, contents, depreciation, code and other additional coverages available in the policy. We are simply amazed to experience first-hand how an insurance company systematically delays, denies, and reduces claims payout for its policyholders who have trustingly paid premiums for years without any claims.

In our continuing effort to identify for you the best supplies, equipment vendors, and service providers, we are pleased to introduce and recommend Adjusters International as the loss consulting/public adjusting endorsed vendor for Preferred Hotel Group...Please consider utilizing the services that Adjusters International provides; guiding you through the confusing and complex world of insurance claims. Adjusters International relieves you of the work, and some of the worry, so you can concentrate on getting your business back to normal.

John Ueberroth / Chariman and CEO / Preferred Hotel Group

We are in the Hotel business, not the fire loss business. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is. What they do all day everyday is work with insurance companies and due to their fee structure, it is their best interest to make the settlement offer as large a number as possible. Once the process began, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International kept us informed as to progress, had lengthy conversations with the insurance company, produced a steady flow of documents for payment, and ended up in the final negotiation with the insurance company for a win-win for our company and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International...It's no fun hassling directly with an insurance company, you've had enough troubles, you don't need more.

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