All Testimonials

The only thing we regret about using your company to settle our fire loss was that we did not hire you from the very beginning. We thought if we conducted ourselves with honesty and integrity our insurance company would also. How wrong could we possibly have been? For nine months, we did everything we could to save our insurance company money in the hope of getting a fair settlement. Thankfully, we found your expertise. Your team knew exactly what to do. I feel that if we had hired you from the very beginning we would have recovered all the money necessary to rebuild my mother life and been able to house her in a home comparable to the one she lost while she was displaced and shorten the time she was displaced by 6 months or more. Your negotiations skills and dedication to a fair and complete settlement were first-rate.

Arnie was able to recover money owed to me from State Farm Insurance that I could not have gotten back on my own...As the Founder and President of one of the largest footwear companies in the world - I know a great business when I see it.

Your ability to ferret out proper avenues for claim, some of which we were not even aware, together with your negotiating skills, have been outstanding.

Fred Rosenberg
Barstow Station

You have proven to us to be proficient, skilled, and knowledgeable in your field.

Michael J Hannon, Pres.

We took the time to do our due diligence and it seemed that the name Adjusters International kept coming up. Although one would like to think that their insurance company would do everything to help, practical business sense suggests that once one has a fire, they move from the asset side of the ledger to the liability side. I felt that our interests would be best served with an advocate on our side. Enter bulldog Drew. You were relentless in your pursuit and prosecution of our claim. It is clear that your knowledge of insurance and your practical experience lend themselves to securing the best settlements for your clients. The team that supported you was exceptional. You were always there with the answers when we needed them. You were our bulldog. In the end, the settlement reached was beyond what we expected.

Jacobsen Real Estate Group, LLC

When our facilities were damaged by a tornado, we knew that our job was getting back to business, and realized that the matter of preparing, filing and negotiating a claim of this magnitude with our insurer was going to be a monumental task…Now that the claim has been settled, I am convinced that the value we received from you was as you promised…You and your associates assisted in the compilation and valuation of every damaged shingle and chair, and therefore, we were able to provide the insurer with documentation sufficient to support our property claim…Although we were shut down for only a few days, the impact of staff relocation, lack of resources, and countless other issues was felt in our revenues and profits. Your business interruption experts…provided exemplary service to us in dealing with a very complicated business interruption claim. We could never have accomplished this on our own. These experts brought us their knowledge of the insurance industry, experience with many types of business interruption claims, and a solid accounting background which ultimately led to an equitable settlement of our loss. Throughout the recovery and claim process, you and your staff maintained a pleasant and professional attitude. Your interaction with the insurer and its consultants was always constructive and I felt reassured in your representation of me and my company's interests.

Systems and Controls
EMS Technologies

The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International saved Sundance many hours by doing the necessary research and calculations. Your follow up and negotiation adeptness proved to be invaluable for settling our claims with the insurance company. It was through your abilities and aggressive approach to the Insurer that we recovered the maximum amount due us under our policies. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is amongst the best in ability, professionalism and reasonable approach in resolving difficult matters.

...It seems that insurance companies can be impossible when substantial sums of money are at risk...You immediately became the sole interface with our Insurer, which allowed us to focus our energies in recovering from the loss. You created a writer dialogue with the insurer, complied with our technical obligations under the terms of our insurance contract, and created a claim strategy based upon the twin efforts of submitting documented property and earnings claims and "pushing" the Insurer in its investigation of the cause of loss...Based upon Micrel Inc.'s experience with this extremely complex and unique claim, we want to tell you that your performance was outstanding and exceeded our expectations.

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