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....we inquired with friends who had similar losses and they all recommended The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International... We were able to go on with our business knowing we didn’t have to be concerned with dead lines and knowing we were getting what we had paid for out of our insurance policy... The obvious claims were settled quite rapidly, the implied claims took longer, when it was over were are certain we received all we had coming and were pleasantly surprised we received a lot more than we would have if we tried to do it ourselves; we were very satisfied with Going into this ordeal with little to no experience and facing an insurance carrier and their adjuster who deals with these situations daily, made for an initial frustrating assessment of our ability to receive the coverage we had paid for. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International more than leveled the playing field. I highly recommend the use of an adjuster in times such as these, and the one I always recommend first is The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and feel it was the best investment we could have made.

John Knaak, Vice President
Blue Banner Company Inc.

...Our insurance agent referred us to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. Without your assistance and willingness to review my file, I am sure this claim would still be open...

Strain Ranches

Having tried to “go it alone” we took the advice of friends in the same position and placed ourselves in The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International’s capable hands. This turned out to be the best thing we could have done…I think that without your help we would still be negotiating with an insurance company that put on a progressively harder and less friendly face as time went on.

It has been almost a year since the fire which completely destroyed one of our processing plants. Immediately after the fire, I received a telephone call at home from a representative of your company. My initial reaction was the 'knee jerk' type, and I felt I had been pursued by an 'ambulance chaser.' During an emergency management meeting it became clear that we had a loss that would exceed $7 million dollars, and that standing toe to toe with our insurance company to recover our loss would be an overwhelming task…After reviewing your proposal, it was agreed that our efforts would be best utilized in managing our business, while allowing your staff to recover our loss. I had no idea that the documentation of our claim would become as extensive as it did. Your staff worked tirelessly to quantify the claim. I am convinced that every possible element of our loss was maximized to the extent provided for in our coverage…You and your staff are true professionals, and the quality and detail of your work is very impressive.

Quaker Maid Meats, Inc.

In August, I was building a five-story 46 unit apartment building in downtown Portland. It was destroyed in a five alarm fire. I did not hire anyone right away. I came close to hiring you a number of times , but kept giving the insurance company another chance. They did not rise to the occasion and do what I considered to be the right thing. Three months into the claim I hired your firm. Whereas the insurance company wanted to limit my recovery to the amount I had expended, you were able to secure for me a settlement based on current costs to rebuild. Whereas the insurance company did not want to compensate me for a construction manager, you recovered those costs. Whereas the insurance company was hesitant to pay for soft costs, you recovered the limits of our soft cost coverage. I am grateful that you were there for us and I would not hesitate to reach out to you again should the need arise. was clear the insurance company looked at my family and I more like criminals then long time paying customers...You advised me the best way to settle an insurance claim is to take full control of the process. By dictating to the insurance company what we wanted, and taking away their control, you were able to obtain a fantastic settlement on my behalf. I am truly astonished at the final amount you were able to recover and how far I was able to take those funds when I was in control of the spending. Had I paid you double your fee it still would have been well worth it and while I was skeptical at first I know now that your services have greatly influenced the settlement of my loss and my final financial disposition. You have truly acted as promised and been a true advocate for me and my family throughout the claim.

Standard Management Company operates a portfolio of approximately $300,000,000 of income property located throughout the United States, including apartments, mobile home parks, shopping centers, office buildings, and industrial property. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International of Los Angeles, California, independent insurance adjusters, has represented us in a number of claims over 30 years. In our experience The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is competent and well informed and provides a valuable service to insurers who desire independent representation in claims for casualty losses.

Standard Management Co.

As you can imagine, the total loss of a thriving business was very traumatic and stressful to them; especially when they didn’t know where to begin to tally the total value of their loss assets. The uncertainty of dealing with an insurance carrier added to their level of anxiety...From the beginning, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International assigned Bruce Tibert and their loss assessments support team to the claim. Bruce began with a review of their entire insurance policy to ascertain the applicable provisions and limits of coverage. His team meticulously documented the damages to the building and its entire contents; down to the number of forks and chopsticks...The owners of the restaurant were very satisfied with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team who kept them appraised of ongoing efforts, and negotiations with the insurance carrier.

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