All Testimonials

You and your company have always been there when I needed you and I do appreciate it.

Devon Becke Corporate Offices

Because of your involvement, I felt comforted and confident that our problems would be given the prompt attention that was needed. You were always available to take our calls and, because of your experience and expertise, both the restoration of the damage and our dealings with Fireman's Fund went very smoothly ending in a very fair settlement.

Arent Fox

It is now four months later, and what would truly have been a nightmare, turned out to be simply a very bad dream…I have written this letter in order to let you know that even though your fee was substantial, it was fair and you earned it.

Jason's Liquors, Inc.

Their expertise and perseverance enabled us to collect more than twice the amount originally offered by the insurance company's representatives. As you may be aware, we had not experienced a loss before and were reluctant to use a public adjuster. Shortly after we submitted our claim, we found that we were on the receiving end of numerous faxes and requests for additional information from the insurance company accountants. We were lulled into believing that our cooperation in providing the information would result in a fair settlement offer. Needless to say, we were shocked to discover many months later that the insurance company's settlement offer was less than half of our actual loss…Your team immediately went to work by guiding us in gathering information that would enable us to overcome our setback. Their comprehensive analysis of the report, meticulous review of the additional documents, and presentation of our claim enabled us to achieve a settlement far greater than our expectations. They also saved us many hours of valuable time and aggravation.

Kuk Rim U.S.A., Inc.

You had worked with us thoroughly, diligently, and patiently. Your company displayed great professionalism and expertise.

Admittedly, at first we were hesitant to retain your services but requested that our local insurance agent meet with us and your representatives. After this meeting, we felt satisfied that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was indeed needed to be our go-between. We did not need to deal with the insurance company, all matters were referred directly to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and thus we were able to continue our day to day activities without too much interruption.

Thank you and your staff for the professional and compassionate way in which our claim was brought to a successful conclusion.

Immediately you began a thorough and comprehensive analysis of our insurance policies and, as well, the organization of emergency and restoration crews. Upon the arrival of the insurance company's adjuster, your precise and detailed understanding of our policy smoothed the insurance company's initial misunderstanding of our coverage. Early the next day your inventory crew began a detailed listing of all damages of real property, equipment, furniture and fixtures, stock, and work in process. You and your certified public accountant began researching our books and records after sufficient discussion with our officers to thoroughly understand our operations. You then structured an audit system that allowed the insurance company to pay equitably against extra expenses and loss of income. Your experience and understanding enabled you to compute our stock loss to extract every advantage possible from our policy. The insurance perspective you chose garnered an additional recovery no one ever expected from our policy! This unexpected recovery, along with the advance payments you arranged immediately after the flood, allowed Sawyer of Napa to regain momentum and continue operations in what is proving to be one of our best years.

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