All Testimonials

The claim involved buildings, equipment, inventories, business interruption and extra expense. Your knowledge and interpretation of our insurance policy helped us to gather the information needed for you to organize and prepare the claim. Your experience in preparing and negotiating the claim added value and expedited settlement. This arrangement allowed us to be involved in the claim and to be kept current on all developments, without disruption of business.

Marshall Durbin Companies

We got paid on Friday, and I guess there was still a little bit of doubt in the back of my mind that something might go wrong up until the last minute, especially after seeing how Royal and their ace attorney acted throughout the entire adventure. But, now that is all behind us and it is finally over. We were all impressed by your work and we know that we could have not have finished this claim without you.

Orca Bay Seafoods

I had enough to fix everything, pay your fee and was satisfied

As I have told you both many times before, if it hadn't have been for your company, I'm sure we would still be battling over our losses, and still up on the 8th floor in our cramped temporary quarters.

Shapell Industries, Inc.

It was quickly apparent that the insurance company was not interested in what was best of us. They were only interested in paying as little as possible. We are confident that without you we would not have recovered as much as we did. You were able to identify the deficiencies in the insurance company’s building estimate which resulted in an additional payment of almost twice the proposed amount. Your expert negotiating abilities coupled with your attention to detail and persistent follow up assured the claim would be settled for a fair amount. You left no stone unturned.

My main reasons for hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was simple. They knew the claims process well and they were local.

You made everything easy for us and were always there when we needed you. Without a doubt, you were greatly responsible for everything that the complex was able to get from the Insurance Carrier and they did get a great deal. We thank you for your terrific negotiations, your understanding of what everyone was going through and your extreme patience.

ABC Management

You knew exactly what to do and because of your relentless strength we made it through a very difficult time in our lives.

Oasis Investment, Inc.
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