All Testimonials

I've felt that we have been a working partnership. Initially I believed that the insurance company and I could come to a quick and fair settlement, but one meeting with their adjuster convinced me otherwise…The firm took pains to be thorough, careful-and patient-in setting out the scope of loss. You, and the people who worked with you…were unfailingly professional…You were always available on very short notice, whether for a bit of handholding…or with a quick response to my concerns, as we proceeded though the process. Even if I had been able to reach an identical dollar settlement with TIG on my own and without dispute, The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's services would have been well worth the cost...During those months of stress and uncertainty, your quiet and confident assurance, your willingness to seek out expert legal advice on a matter that might have gone to court, and your capacity for effective negotiation both eased the strain and, in the end, produced a settlement with TIG that seems eminently reasonable and fair.

University of California, Berkeley

You immediately assembled a team of experts to counter the insurance company and their hired guns. I sincerely appreciate you settling the loss in a very timely manner and always looking out for my interests...Your fee of 10% of the insurance recovery was money well spent.

Anthony Azevedo

When I think of the potential financial disaster that I found myself in, the day after the fire and what you were able to achieve, I can only say that your performance was a 10 out 10. Your competence and concerns were the only things that gave me hope. This was especially true since I even had attorneys tell me that there was nothing that could be done.

Gilbert D. McCann
Laguna Beach

Had it not been for your competence and experience, it was a certainty that the negotiations would have dragged into months, if not years. Thank you for your patience with us, recognizing very well that we had just gone through a very stressful situation.

Genghis Khan Furniture

They helped us make the best of an unfortunate situation.

Matt Horton

You and your firm have done an outstanding job. I am pleased not only with how well you have performed for us, but for the friendship which has developed between us.

Marshall-Rousso, Inc.

Navigating through the fine detail points of an insurance claim proved far more complex than I would have ever imagined. In hindsight I know I would have definitely struggled and ultimately lost money, had I tried to go it alone. The insurance company and their consultants are experts in the field of insurance claims. The insured is not. I would have been at a huge disadvantage had it not been for your help. The bottom line is your services are valuable and in my view necessary.

I'm sure if I had handled the claim myself, it would still be in someone's basket, in some office, up on the 25th floor someplace.

Standard Shoe Stores
1920 of 2430