All Testimonials

I thank you for handling our case so expeditiously and exemplary.

Italian Suits, Inc. Rigatti

...Taking the “insurance issue” off my plate allowed me to focus on my customers and saving my business, and gave me some confidence that everything could work out OK. …Greenspan Adjusters International did a phenomenal job of executing our claim and moving things forward on a consistent basis. The entire team of professionals from inventory and property specialists to accountants, adjusters, and even principals of the firm were all fantastic and great to work with.

Tool Alliance

You delivered a great result, and in the process you were superbly professional and always a gentleman.

You concluded every aspect and detail of the claim with great results.

The settlement was beyond our expectations and almost double what we thought it would be…The fees we paid were worth every penny in terms of the service received. You saved us tremendous amounts of time and headaches. There is no way we could have negotiated the settlement you did.

VSP Products, Inc.

“…thank you for the wonderful job you performed in the adjustment of our property loss on Judah Street.”

“We are now in a position to have available funds to redevelop the adjoining properties we own at the site. None of this would have resulted without your and The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International’s expertise.”

Skyline Realty Incorporated

On September 15, 2014, our family home burned to the ground. It’s hard to fathom and doesn’t really begin to sink in until you notify your insurance company. Your head spins and you’re not sure where to begin. The professionalism by all The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was truly appreciated!

He went 'out of his way' to have the 'personal touch' in representing your company. The extra phone calls; the prompt responses to our inquiries; the follow up "progress calls" all gave me a sense of security in not having to worry about the one more 'iron in the fire.

James C. Loomis, CPM, President
Loomis Properties, Inc.
1960 of 2430