All Testimonials

Without the expertise of yourself and your staff, we certainly would have overlooked many items that were legitimately itemized as part of our loss. Your tenacity and high level of professionalism played a major role in resolving the many technical and detailed aspects of satisfying our insurance adjuster's needs.

Dieter Franck, Inc.

Our decision to hire AI immediately, while made with some hesitation, truly turned out to be one of positive results allowing us to continue focusing on our business while having our claim handled professionally. Going into this claim, prior to hiring AI, we were estimating our losses to be between $12.0M and $15.0M. As you are well aware, our claim was $52.0M with recoveries of $38.0M due to many areas of losses and expenses identified by AI which we would have never claimed if attempting to handle this on our own. It comes to light in this type of situation that the insurance company is professional in handling losses such as ours and we would have therefore been at a great disadvantage if we had not had professionals representing us. I would like to also add that I have had experience with other 'Professional Loss Consulting' companies. Through a recent acquisition of a company which had also experienced a loss during this winter storm and had already hired someone to represent them on their loss, I have on a comparative basis been able to see what a quality outfit Adjusters International is, as this 'inherited' claim has not been handled to the standards set by your organization.

Risk Mgt.
Beaulieu of America, Inc.

We believed that we made a smart decision in retaining The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to file the claim for us. In my opinion, you had the knowledge and expert skills in handling the claim. We would not be able to reach such a much better than expected settlement without your professional advice and assistance

On September 9, 2010, PG&E’s pipeline burst in San Bruno…I soon realized that there were too many loop holes and issues in the claims process that I would have surely missed…The services you provided us were truly outstanding and priceless. Knowing The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International team were fighting on our behalf was invaluable, emotionally and monetarily. We would not have gotten anywhere close to the amounts your team was able to get us back, well covering all of the fees. More importantly the time and the emotional stress you saved us from would have been worth every penny, regardless of the amount we received back.

I truly do not believe we would have been as successful in either amount or timeliness of settlement without your help.

Schroeder Construction Services

Your efforts in collecting the fire damage from the insurance company proved most helpful and rewarding. You dealt with the insurance company in a most professional manner.

Albee's Discount Appliances

While we previously handled an insurance loss with our carrier, we knew from our last experience that the army of consultants that the insurance company placed on their dime was purely to lookout for itself and not us. Without your help we could not have obtained the favorable result. Of course, this is not to mention the amount of time, effort and distraction from our own business it would have taken us to recover any funds. Your services were based on contingency model, which we thought was fair and properly incentivized. Thank you for getting us back to business.

Our insurance agent immediately informed us that we were adequately insured and that we had 'nothing to worry about.' Since we have been managing commercial real estate for the past thirteen years, we knew that we did have something to worry about. At once we were confronted with the multiple dilemmas of assisting our tenants in their attempts to salvage and relocate their businesses, deal with our sudden and catastrophic loss of cash flow, as well as, for the first time, understand that it was our burden to prove our damages to the insurance company to their satisfaction before we would receive payment…We are sure that without your professional assistance, we would never have realized the equitable settlement that you achieved. We are quite certain we would not have had our shopping center properly rebuilt and received the reimbursements we were entitled to without the aggressive work you and your staff provided. Needless to say, our loss was tragic, but it would have been much worse if we had spent our time without your expertise trying to pursue this unbelievable complicated and technical task.

Coates & Sowards, Inc.
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