All Testimonials

Though the insurance company responded quickly to our claim, they still required us to prepare bids and negotiate an answer. We feel that by bringing in The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International you relieved us of the responsibility of collecting these bids and determining the scope of work. You sped up the claims process and produced and answer (dollars) that enabled us to repair the building and do some remodeling as well.

You handled every step of the claim process with great professionalism. While you were dealing with the insurance company we were able to continue our business in a new location. You reduced the pain and headache of this claim greatly and we want to thank you for a job well done.

Top Bargain Center

I believe the satisfactory settlement with our insurance carrier was due solely to the thorough and professional manner in which this claim was handled by your company… Thank you for your superior business practices, advise and support that made this ordeal more bearable.

Interstate Plastics

From the moment we retained The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, Paul Migdal, Chris Glenister, Gary Johnson and Jim Warren took over every aspect of our claim. Their expertise and professionalism was recognized and respected by our insurance company and resulted in a timely settlement of our claims which was both fair and equitable. By retaining The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, we leveled the playing field vis-à-vis the experts brought in by the insurance companies and saved untold hours of management's time, enabling us to focus all of our resources on running our business and the recovery from the fire... Having gone through the experience of dealing with large insurance claims both with and without the benefit of the expertise provided by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, we are convinced that no company should ever attempt to handle an insurance claim without such help.

While we have a lot of expertise in construction from owning several buildings, we were at a loss on how to handle the insurance issues implicated. This was the third fire loss that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International has handled for our family and investment group. We appreciate the team The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International assembled and the final settlement from the insurance company. Your fees at 10% of the insurance recovery were well worth it.

You helped me increase the settlement from Farmers Insurance by 50% on both my building and personal property claim. I have no doubt we would have been overwhelmed if we had to deal with Farmers on our own. The Farmers adjuster did not have our best interest in mind.

Thomas & Ana Downie

The little amount of time it took for us to get funds and start reconstruction was amazing.

Tiffany Properties, Inc.

They approached the whole process in a professional and aggressive manner allowing us to rebuild our business in a timely manner and obtain the remuneration we were due in our insurance policy.

Pacific City Builders Supply
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