All Testimonials

I have been an active real estate developer, investor and property manager for twenty five years, but had never before utilized the services of an insurance adjuster. Insurance claims are a necessary by-product of managing a large inventory of real properties and I had always, in the past, handled these matters myself. I will not continue to make that mistake. Your company was professional, knowledgeable, aggressive and extremely thorough. I could not have been any happier with the quality and result of your work.

Westhill Management Company

There's no way we could have accomplished the work that your people did to establish our inventory and machinery claims. It would have been impossible for us to continue our own operation and attempt to do the tremendous amount of work your people did for us in establishing our insurance claims. In fact, it would be foolhardy for anyone not to use a capable public adjuster like yourself.

Rauch Industries, Inc.

Mr. Migdal's extensive knowledge of law, insurance adjustment, claim preparation, and his excellence at negotiations resulted in KIT collecting from TransAmerica. We are very pleased with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and especially Paul Migdal for the very professional job they did.

Matthew S. Pulizzi, Vice President
Kit Manufacturing Company

After we brought The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International as our single source of managing our losses we have had tremendous results. You quickly move through the sea of issues that come to light when such large sums of money are involved. With you, our property owners are happy, our tenants are happy, and we can focus on managing the properties…We will never go it alone again.

Dave Chamberlin, Manager

As you probably remember, we initially decided that we could handle the losses on the two houses by ourselves. By January it became apparent that all our efforts and time consumption with Prudential were just adding another element of frustration to our lives. It was initially hard for us to admit we needed help but, in retrospect, we could have saved ourselves two months of frustration by obtaining your services earlier…Although we were skeptical that anyone could get Prudential to be reasonable and fair, the final settlement amount you obtained says it all.

James J. Rytuba
John J. Gannon and your associates brought an expertise and professionalism that were of invaluable assistance to the association and to me personally in reaching both a speedy and equitable settlement of our loss. The owners at Whalers Cove had a great deal going for them in the aftermath of Iniki; we had the original developer as a homeowner and board member, we had access to both the architect and the contractor. We also had excellent insurance coverage. With all those things going for us, the board was reluctant to seek the assistance of a 'hired gun' like The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. We had everything we needed except a genuine understanding of how the insurance claim business works. In retrospect, it was probably our impatience more than our wisdom that led us to decide to use your services; it turned out to be the wisest course we could have taken.

Whalers Cove AOAO

You have prepared the enormous amount of paperwork required for our fire claim, have conducted the inventory counts including the minute details, in an accurate and unchallenged way; you have made the presentations to the Insurer, with whom you have a proper reputation, and your presentations have just been accepted. You were careful to accurately include all losses, and we must tell you we feel very fortunate to have had your company represent us. Your people are experienced, competent, courteous and were most considerate of our time.

Rotoflow Corporation

Their expertise and perseverance enabled us to collect more than twice the amount originally offered by the insurance company's representatives. As you may be aware, we had not experienced a loss before and were reluctant to use a public adjuster. Shortly after we submitted our claim, we found that we were on the receiving end of numerous faxes and requests for additional information from the insurance company accountants. We were lulled into believing that our cooperation in providing the information would result in a fair settlement offer. Needless to say, we were shocked to discover many months later that the insurance company's settlement offer was less than half of our actual loss…Your team immediately went to work by guiding us in gathering information that would enable us to overcome our setback. Their comprehensive analysis of the report, meticulous review of the additional documents, and presentation of our claim enabled us to achieve a settlement far greater than our expectations. They also saved us many hours of valuable time and aggravation.

Kuk Rim U.S.A., Inc.
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