All Testimonials

Despite a difficult stance taken by the carrier you were able to secure a limit of policy settlement within a most reasonable time frame. It took much time, effort, and a thorough knowledge of the claims business to secure this result. You conducted yourself in a very professional, aggressive and positive manner throughout the difficult negotiations, keeping me well informed at every step. I have had experience with a number of fires and adjusters but never have I been so pleased with an adjuster's performance.

Dolores Heights Properties, Inc.

We certainly appreciate yours as well as the rest of the Adjusters International team's diligence in working with us to bring this claim to a conclusion.

E.Guilford Mills, Inc.

The professionalism, expertise and dedication that you demonstrated in handling this very complex claim was remarkable. We are most grateful to you and your staff.

Samuel Goldwyn Studios

...The service I received from your firm was impeccable. I was always able to reach you or another team member to answer my questions regarding the status and progress of the claim. I knew that the insurance company was trying hard to under-pay the claim. The expertise and background of all the individuals on the team from the world of insurance, law, and construction allowed the loss to be settled close to policy limits. You hit a home run on my claim!! I am assured that nobody should attempt to settle their claim with insurance companies without the benefit of sophisticated representation and expertise from The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. The fee I paid was approximately $65,000. It was money well-spent - the return on the investment was well-worth every cent...

Your expertise in deftly navigating the insurance claims process was key to attaining the maximum recovery at our policy limits. From our first meeting…through the arduous loss adjustment, to the final claims settlement, your commitment, integrity and dedication to take care of every detail comforted us. If we had attempted to negotiate the claim ourselves, we believe that due to our lack of expertise, personnel and time resources, we would have been offered only a tepid settlement offer, and additionally be buried under the labyrinth of process and administration. The results of your efforts speak louder than words and in business terms, you 'delivered the goods' as you committed when you promised.

864 Ellis Street LLC

You and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International have demonstrated your knowledge of insurance policies and claims and your efforts and professionalism saved us a great deal of work and stress...Our gratitude and professional respect for your performance can never be enough.

Marco Fine Furniture, Inc.

This has been a difficult process. It’s not every day your business catches fire. Without experience in dealing with this kind of matter, I never would have been able to recover the costs from the insurance company that we have. Because of your professionalism and expeditious manner we have come through this and our Sacramento store is back in operation.

Windsor Fashions

Up front I was reluctant to engage your services, feeling confident that I could manage all the details myself…Left to my own devices I would have left a large portion of this settlement on the table... Furthermore and maybe most importantly, I was able to sleep nights knowing my best interest were being protected... I want to take this opportunity to point out that the service was worth every penny of the commission charge for numerous reasons listed below:
· I was able to sleep nights. All negotiations were handled professionally between The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and the Insurance Company. This relieved me of this burdensome and time consuming task of communicating with the claim agents. A complete and very detailed inventory of all lost items was submitted for maximum consideration. Nothing was left to chance.
· On my own I would have left tens of thousands of dollars on the table during this on-going settlement without being the wiser.
· The Insurance Company was very difficult to deal with.
Our home is rebuilt now and I just received my final settlement check. In closing I want to thank you for your recommendation to hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to handle my loss.

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