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Standard Management Company operates a portfolio of approximately $300,000,000 of income property located throughout the United States, including apartments, mobile home parks, shopping centers, office buildings, and industrial property. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International of Los Angeles, California, independent insurance adjusters, has represented us in a number of claims over 30 years. In our experience The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is competent and well informed and provides a valuable service to insurers who desire independent representation in claims for casualty losses.

Standard Management Co.

Admittedly, at first we were hesitant to retain your services but requested that our local insurance agent meet with us and your representatives. After this meeting, we felt satisfied that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was indeed needed to be our go-between. We did not need to deal with the insurance company, all matters were referred directly to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and thus we were able to continue our day to day activities without too much interruption.

Standard Management Company operates a portfolio of approximately $300,000,000 of income property located throughout the United States, including apartments, mobile home parks, shopping centers, office buildings, and industrial property. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International of Los Angeles, California, independent insurance adjusters, has represented us in a number of claims over 30 years. In our experience The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is competent and well informed and provides a valuable service to insurers who desire independent representation in claims for casualty losses.

Standard Management Co.

Because of your expert knowledge and experience dealing with insurance companies, you were able to increase the amount of our claim beyond our expectations.

You guided me every step of the way through the difficulty process of scoping the damage, identifying the code upgrades, obtaining loss of rents, and applying the insurance policy in a manner to maximize the insurance policy benefit. You negotiated an excellent settlement on the repairs. I was able to recover more than I would have on my own. Thank you. You folks know your stuff.

Levan Boise Real Estate Holdings, LLC.

I must say that at first I was uncertain about hiring our own adjusting company, but having had the pleasant experience of working with you has given me the insight as to how very important your assistance was. You presented yourselves in a very professional manner and have been very thorough in compiling information for the insurance company. I am certain that your assistance has not only saved me many hours of labor and frustration but has also saved me many dollars in compiling information which I might have overlooked in determining our actual losses.

Hoffman Paint Co., Inc.

We never realized the intricacies involved in attempting to resolve insurance claims formally with and through our carrier. This whole unfortunate accident was resolved financially, professionally and in a timely fashion, and for that we are all grateful.

When we suffered the devastating fire to our home in Santa Cruz, I thought with my background (being Deputy County Counsel for the County of Santa Clara) I had the bandwidth to handle my own claim. Little did I know of all the issues that would arise along with the countless hours of documentation that would be needed to secure payment for our losses. Fortunately, I was recommended to you by several attorneys whom you have worked with over the years…Our home is now rebuilt and although I would never wish a fire on anyone, our home is now more beautiful & larger than it was before…What can I say other than to share with you how much we appreciate the job you and The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International performed in the adjustment of our claim with Mercury Casualty Insurance.

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