All Testimonials

Because you as our representative dealt with the taxing, day-to-day negotiations and arguments, we could begin to try to recover from the trauma. You guided us through problems which often seemed insurmountable.

Wolf von dem Bussche

As you demonstrated on previous engagements, you were always accessible and responsive to my needs and those of my partners. The professional manner in which you managed our claims was appreciated by all of us.

Robert D. Wolfe, SIOR
Robert Wolfe & Associates, Inc.

As a physician I've long appreciated the special rewards inherent in service that is perceived as extraordinary by one's clients…Your firm's professionalism, expertise and dedication to detail have produced results that frankly exceeded expectations. Of equal importance, your comprehensive management of the settlement process has allowed me and my fiancée to focus our energies on those things dear to us, our relationship, our careers and the rebuilding. The grief (financial and emotional) that your firm has spared us is difficult to calculate.

Jon Wack, M.D.

...we turned to the experts at Adjusters International to represent our interests with the insurance company.

Tom Gay, CFO
American Capital Group

After suffering a devastating loss of this nature, the guidance and assistance you provided allowed me the time to put my life and family back in order. Working full-time, and with the emotions involved in losing my home and sentimental items, your assistance allowed me the peace of mind to concentrate on my family and work…As you promised, after negotiating and presenting our claim to the insurance company, we had enough money to make several upgrades and changes to our home.

Our best decision early on was to retain The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to represent us in handling the fire claim.

Armour Building Company

Our house was destroyed by fire. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International met with us at the site and after a lengthy conversation, we decided to handle the situation ourselves. After all what could be so difficult? I mean you pay the insurance company to work for you right? Well, five months later, making absolutely no progress on our own and in total desperation we called The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International in to help. They not only helped, they settled the matter in a brief period of time, with more dollars than expected. Shortly after this episode, our business was robbed while on vacation. This time it was quite different, the only phone call we make with NO hesitation was to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International... After finding out about co-insurance clauses, depreciated losses and gains, over valued equipment, under valued equipment, and a whole host of other insurance jargon, I KNOW we could have never 'handled the situation ourselves.' This company was always up front with us, good news or bad you'll always know what to expect, no surprises. They held my hand, listened to my frustration, took away all the headaches involved. They 'handled the situation.' Please know one thing if you have a loss your insurance adjuster works for the insurance company... If you're hesitant because of the commission fee (like we were), you are going to laugh at yourself in the end. It will be one bill you will be so glad to pay and know that they deserve every dime.

“our kind words and way of making a very difficult situation so much better helped me more than you will ever know... In short, I wanted to thank you for doing what you do. Thank you for the impact you have had on me. Keep this for the days that you don’t think you made a difference, know that you have.

You were always accessible and responsive to our needs. The professional manner in which you managed our claim was appreciated by all of us.

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