All Testimonials

You kept us in the loop throughout the entire process. We were appreciative of the hard work you did in securing a fair settlement that was much more than what Allstate initially offered to pay. We were able to rebuild the house the way we wanted, not the way Allstate wanted us to build it, meaning to a sub-standard condition. You looked out for us at every step. We really appreciate your hard work and diligence. The fee we paid of approximately $35,000 was well spent.

From the very beginning our interests were represented with concern, care and extreme professionalism.

Real Estate Brokerage

Without his (Dow’s) help as my advocate, I suspect the settlement figure would have been about half what I eventually received. Additionally had he not been so effective in pushing things through, I suspect the insurance company might have been rewarded by my giving up too soon. I discovered The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International through an internet search and made a phone call, which I expected would mean leaving a voice mail and hearing back several days later. But to my surprise a very competent and caring person took full details of my situation, and both you (Dow) and Clay on site to meet with me the very next day! Please express my genuine thanks to your whole team.

You provided a great service to us in analyzing, assembling and presenting our claim and obtaining a settlement that exceeded our expectations...Your fee was more than earned.

Calvin C. Collins Revocable Trust
Juanita I. Collins Revocable Trust

I wanted to let you know how very much Larry Hudler helped me in solving the problems of dealing with the aftermath of a fire, substantiating the losses, and working with the insurance company representatives. Larry's professional and courteous assistance was a great help.

Mark D. Cernich, President
Laguna Land and Cattle Co., Inc

Like most people, I had little interest or idea and less inclination to attempt to interpret my insurance policy and determine what we should fairly and correctly expect to receive as compensation from our carrier. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's experience, credentials, and testimonials quickly put us at ease and immediately minimized our anticipated stress and frustration of having to work through the settlement process. This alone, I personally valued at 50% of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's fee... We are sure, due to our own inexperience, we probably would have settled for considerably less than what we were fairly entitled to under the terms of our policy. That is just the way the process works and is not a criticism of my insurance carrier. Bottom line - The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, in my opinion, definitely earned their commission and I would strongly recommend them to anyone who suffers the loss of their home and are seeking peace of mind and fair treatment in resolving the many issues that can arise from such a situation.

I think one year to get the money-far, far more than we had ever hoped for-says two things:
1) You are a genius;
2) You are a tenacious genius who kept fighting, even after I had pretty much given up hope, to get Farmers to pay every single penny we had coming to us.
And you got them to do it. I guess the bottom line is that when we met for the first time, and you said, 'This is the situation and this is what we can do for you,' you did everything you said you would-and more. I admired your professionalism as Farmers employed their delaying tactics and lies. Had I had to deal with them personally, I would have eventually either succumbed to stress or brought in lawyers, who would have taken everything Farmers owed us. I figure that even after paying The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International its commission, we still came out at least $40,000 more than we would have without you-plus the fact that you, not I, spent the hours and hours and hours documenting the claim, pointing out to them where they still owed us money, and dealing on a day-to-day basis with people who were at best, ignorant and at worst, dishonest.

I initially thought Farmers Insurance would take care of us because of their advertising and their initial claims service; however, I quickly realized I was not going to get what I was paying for in my policy. Farmers Insurance initially paid me $173,555 to rebuild my home, which would have rebuilt 50% of my home, however, Eric was steadfast and methodical in his approach and eventually got Farmers Insurance to pay me $280,908, which was enough to rebuild my home to my liking, not to Farmers liking. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International delivered on its promise.

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