All Testimonials

You and your team of experts were able to get me settlements that I know for a fact were much higher than what I could have received had I not hired you. At the time, I didn’t have to spend any of my time dealing with my insurance company which allowed me to run my real estate business.

Top 10 Properties

You made a very difficult situation bearable. You went above and beyond what was required. Not knowing someone or a company that did the jobs you do existed was by far the best surprise. When we first talked with Ken I wasn’t sure I needed a person to help or do most of the work. Had I known, I would never have hesitated.

Gayle Garrett

Our insurance company was initially non-responsive; however, with the assistance of Mr. Abramson our claim was resolved quickly and successfully.

Vista Realty Advisors/Vista Affordable Housing Corporation

I never anticipated your being able to secure such a high settlement, which was more than four times what I expected to get had I negotiated with the insurance company myself. You not only secured much more dollars than I anticipated, but helped alleviate a lot of the burdens that I would have to deal with in dealing with my insurance carrier.

Fred Fahimy, D.D.S., F.A.C.P.

As you well know, when you were first hired I took considerable heat from underwriters and brokers. Everyone felt that your presence would only interfere with the claim settlement, especially considering your reputation for being stubborn and hardheaded… Having been through the entire process, there is absolutely no doubt that hiring AI and thus you and Shellie was the best move Southern Pacific made…Not once did you make me feel like we were not on the same team, only that you always had the best interest of me and Southern Pacific in mind.

Director Risk Management
Southern Pacific Lines

...As you know, our insurance carrier sent many mixed and conflicting messages during the process and became increasingly complicated to deal with as our discussions wore on as the scope of repair expanded. It was clear to me early on in our discussions with them that the negotiations would require a significant amount of time and expertise, neither of which I had. Having you take charge of the discussion, especially as they related to revising the scope of repair and mold remediation, turned out to even the playing field. Having your "experts" challenge their "experts" about their repair assumptions and cost estimates helped "keep them honest" and allowed us not to be bulldozed.

At the time of the loss of our home & business in an accidental fire... we were naïve enough to believe that we were adequately insured (except for our business, which was not insured) and that our insurance company would treat us honestly, fairly and ethically just as we treated them throughout the handling of our claim... In spite of assurances that we received initially from our insurance company's representative that our claim would be handled competently and reasonably expeditiously, it didn't take very long for us to realize that hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was one of the very best decisions we had ever made. We aren't certain whether the unconscionable treatment we were subjected to by our insurance carrier was due to their incompetence, dishonesty, greed or just simple unconcern for us as people. What we are absolutely certain of is that we were not treated fairly or ethically. Our insurance carrier, in our judgment, didn't make a reasonable effort to conduct business with us in good faith. We are convinced that without your help, we would have become embroiled in lengthy, expensive litigation in order to force AAA to live up to their responsibility to us as long-term policyholders. Your highly professional and extremely competent handling of our claim made that unnecessary.

...we contacted several public adjusters prior to contacting The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and were shocked by their lack of professionalism. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International representatives were a welcome alternative...Still reeling from the fire loss and our near-death experience, and fed up with our insurer’s delays, I cannot express the relief we felt knowing that someone else was sheparding our claim along to what turned out to be a very positive conclusion.

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