All Testimonials

Prior to retaining your services, I had thought that I would be successful in negotiating a settlement on my own with Civil Service Employees Insurance. After realizing that I was in need of a specialist in this field, I contacted your firm. I would also like to thank you for your speedy and diligent response to my phone calls and inquiries. You kept me up to date on my claim and were helpful in explaining how the policy provisions relate to my loss.

I naturally assumed my insurance company would take care of everything; I knew nothing of public adjusters. I was contacted by David Droubay, and David professionally, and with sensitivity, explained step by step the value that your firm could and would add to the adjustment process if we were to engage your services. We did the research, checking you out on the internet, and reading your material, and decided that working with your firm made sense. Randy has done an excellent job representing us throughout this process and we feel that he is totally deserving of recognition for his ability and performance. It has been a pleasure to work with him and his associates through this stressful process. We know that it was by his professionalism, integrity, and dedication, that we were able to secure such a timely and satisfactory settlement. We have informed everyone we know, and some we don’t know, to contact your office before they even speak to their insurance company in the event of a major claim.

Before your involvement, Farmers Insurance was suggesting that our home would cost about $120.00 sq. ft. to rebuild which included the code up-grades. Through your efforts, we were able to secure a settlement over $200.00 square foot. This amount far exceeded our expectations… You kept us informed through out the entire transaction, you returned all our phone calls answering all our questions, sometimes more than once. You included us in meetings with Farmers Insurance when necessary… I never thought you would be so successful in collecting all of the dollar amounts you claimed on our behalf for our personal property items… Many of our neighbors negotiated their own settlement and most of them have not started construction and the ones who have settled are disappointed with their settlement amount. Your efforts alleviated all the stress we would have incurred if we tried to negotiate our own claim.

Wayne & Donna Larson

The skilled staff of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International researched and worked with thoroughness, diligence and determination that resulted in a very favorable settlement as quickly as possible...His knowledge, attention to detail, preparation and professionalism expedited the settlement. He had complete knowledge of our insurance claim and his negotiation skills were superb. He was always in contact with us, informing us of his progress and answering all our questions.

Susan Buck-Lew

After hiring you as a public adjuster not only did you break the stalemate, you also alleviated the stress and frustration I was experiencing. I believe the insurance company settled fairly and I was justly compensated for my losses, only because you were there to negotiate.

Connie Linden

After the shock wore off the enormity of rebuilding and replacing all that we owned was overwhelming. I learned throughout this process that as nice as the insurance adjustor is their job is to pay as little as possible for the loss...I can honestly say that without your help I would have suffered a devastating financial loss as well as a devastating personal loss. You and your staff worked very hard on my claim. You did things to increase the amount of the claim payment from the insurance company that I would have had no knowledge even existed. On a personal level you were understanding and supportive of the emotional impact this was having on me and my children.

We are now preparing final presentation drawings on our home, which was destroyed in the Laguna Beach fire on October 27, 1995. Without your work and negotiations with the insurance company, we would never have recovered the amount that we did from the loss. This will allow us to rebuild our house and replace a good portion of our other losses that we know we would not have been able to without your diligence in working with our insurance company.

L.V. Malmquist Architect

We had no idea what a public adjuster did, and we resolved that we could and would do all of the work ourselves. However, it quickly became evident that the task of rebuilding our lives and dealing with the multitude of details involved in the insurance claim were going to be more than we could handle.

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