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...that the negotiating skills I had developed in thirty five years of City Management and my post-retirement training in mediation and dispute resolution at Pepperdine Law School would enable us to obtain the settlement to which we were entitled. After several months of frustration I realized that my lack of knowledge regarding insurance policy interpretation and claim processing suggested that I needed professional assistance. I have estimated that the total award exceeded what we could have achieved on our own - more than $650,000.00. Equally important to us was the peace of mind we felt knowing that our claim was being pursued vigorously and professionally. It is hard to describe how much that helped bring order to our lives during a time that was stressful and chaotic. Relieving us of that burden and the manner in which your staff kept us informed and assured that things were going to work out well contributed greatly to our mental health and outlook during those difficult times...

In retrospect, if The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International were to double its charges, which were a percentage of the insurance paid to me, it would still be a bargain.

J. R. Singer, Ph. D

Our home fire was huge event for us, never having experienced such a loss before. As you know, we tried managing the fire claim with the insurance provider and their agents. Within a month, I realized that this was a job best done by professionals! It is not easy for me to entrust someone else with my situation. Even so, within a month of her working with us, we realized that she is the most professional, helpful and efficient I have ever worked with. Not only did she maximize the claim settlement amounts that we received, the entire experience was amazingly pleasant.

We have all read newspaper accounts of someone losing their home in a fire, or we have seen on our television screen the fire engines around the flaming home. When we experience this we have a momentary pang of sympathy for the homeowners. We then pass on to further news. It is not until it is your house that burns down, your worldly possessions that are completely destroyed, that you suffer the impact of what a fire really involves. I am sure the average individual, like myself, has no idea of what they should do to make any claim for their losses. Nor does the average individual have any concept of how to deal with the insurance company…It was a tremendous relief to have your men move in and take over all of the responsibilities of the inventory and the necessary negotiations, not only for the rebuilding of the house but for the substantial loss of personal property, as well as arrange for interim housing while our home was being rebuilt.

Elaine Smith

Standard Management Company operates a portfolio of approximately $300,000,000 of income property located throughout the United States, including apartments, mobile home parks, shopping centers, office buildings, and industrial property. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International of Los Angeles, California, independent insurance adjusters, has represented us in a number of claims over 30 years. In our experience The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is competent and well informed and provides a valuable service to insurers who desire independent representation in claims for casualty losses.

Standard Management Co.

I firmly believe that both our financial and emotional recovery from that tragedy is due in no small part to your heroic efforts to ensure a fair settlement from our insurance company. I am convinced of two things. Had we negotiated our own settlement, we would not have recovered the true costs of rebuilding/replacing our home. I also believe that had my husband and I been in on the direct negotiations with Safeco our emotional distress and overall stress would have escalated and prevented our emotional healing. Having confidence in your expertise allowed us to pick up our pre-fire lives and start to rebuild our 'home.

Joan Tanzer

When we first considered using The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, we were apprehensive as to what lay down the line and I can recall a long night pouring over literature and reading letters along the lines that this one will take. We were also somewhat apprehensive because while large to us, our fire damage was still expressed in five digits and thus it was still a small claim in comparison to the size of claims we knew The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International regularly handled. Suffice it to say, that one measurement of our degree of satisfaction with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International is to report that when we had a fire in our immediate area three days ago I found myself looking for the severely damaged homeowner's to tell him about our satisfaction with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. It is absolute fact that the amount of our settlement and our ability to access and be heard by both our carrier and our contractors were significantly enhanced by The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's involvement in the process. The cost of your services was markedly exceeded by the above.

Jessica touched our family’s heart and she treated our family like her own family member and we are sure she also helped many fire clients like us…Without Jessica, our family wouldn’t have our beautiful home rebuilt back and our peace of mind back.

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