All Testimonials

Your efforts handling all the aspects involving inventory recovery and valuation, emergency construction and repair, replacement valuation, and negotiations with our carrier were tremendous. David, you proved beyond any shadow of doubt, that had we not contracted for The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's invaluable service, we would have lost an enormous sum of money, time and energy.

I am deeply grateful to you both for everything that you both did on my behalf making this process easier for me. Your expertise was invaluable.

If you ask us, the expertise and knowledge of individuals such as Clay Gibson and Kenneth Crown at The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International is invaluable to anyone who’s experienced a loss. Your fees were fair and worth every penny.

I also want to thank your staff for assisting us in putting together our total loss personal property claim and evaluating the true replacement cost for our damaged home. It is not easy to recreate all of the personal effects one accumulates in a home over a 20-year timeframe.

Your professionalism and understanding made such a long process bearable. Also, on a personal level, you were very understanding and I enjoyed getting to know you.

I was hesitant about hiring a public adjuster because my Farmers Insurance adjuster told me she’d take care of me; she told me I did not need a public adjuster. I wanted to believe what my Farmers adjuster told me…Farmers Insurance settled the building portion of my claim prior to anyone agreeing to an amount. They paid $146,610 and said that amount was fair and would be enough to rebuild my home. Eric quickly rejected that amount and went to work. Eric diligently and successfully got Farmers to agree to and pay me $242,269. Eric was correct; my insurance company initially settled my claim for them, not me…Regarding my own personal property claim; Farmers only paid me $98,742. By the time Eric got done adjusting this portion of my claim, Farmers agreed to pay my policy limits or $132,466.

Unfortunately, we all have some basic faith that since we have always paid our premiums on time and in good faith, that when we called upon our policy it would, in fact, act with the same integrity. Please be advised, this is not always the case. If my husband and I had not retained The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to adjudicate and settle our claim, we would have lost tens of thousands of dollars... The Greenspan Co/Adjusters International has an incredible staff that brings a level of expertise and honesty that is often hard to find. They are extremely knowledgeable on all facets of claim management and analyzing policies for maximum reimbursements.

This letter comes from a senior citizen with many years of experience in support of her remarks. We often speak of 'The Good Old Days.' In light of present-day incompetence and lack of dedication to the job on the part of many, there is more truth than fiction to the remark…Words absolutely fail me in expressing the gratitude for the expertise with which everyone, beginning with the first interview in my home, has worked towards the accomplishment and conclusion of the settlement with the insurance company.

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