All Testimonials

Frank arranged meetings with us at our convenience, often in the evening and on the weekends sacrificing his own personal life to accommodate our needs. Frank settled this claim in a timely fashion with a high degree of professionalism. The settlement Frank negotiated for our Dwelling was a fair and just one, a settlement that we could not have obtained without Frank's efforts. You earned your fee.

Jay & Renee Keller

...We are sure glad we hired The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, and are spreading the word around. Also, we are NOT recommending Allstate, no explanation necessary. We are looking forward to our next dealings with you.

You were there for me every step of the way with your relentless pursuit of all aspects of claim.

Kaiser Permanente

…Looking back, we would not have been able to deal with all the ins and outs of handling many aspects of our fire loss settlement on our own.…Additional damage was claimed and paid in full by the Farmers in the amount of $114,379.15, which represented additional fifty percent of the initial amount of $222,064.37.

As fiercely independent 'do-it-yourselfers,' it was not easy for us to let go of the negotiating process at the beginning. However, it was clear to us at the time...that we needed some professional help…I must frankly say that the fact that our family is still intact is a tribute to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and Mr. Candido's ability to assume much of the burden which might otherwise have broken us apart.

Cherie Emery & Corey Klein

...You are kind, caring, considerate and professional! You really and truly understand our plight and represented us appropriately! …To me you are close to a saint! An angel that God has sent to help us through our misfortune!

Through your persistence in dealing with California State Automobile Association, we were able to not only repair our property but to add on an additional bedroom and bath.

Thank you and your staff for the professional and compassionate way in which our claim was brought to a successful conclusion.

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