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I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful job you and your team did in presenting my claim to the insurance carrier! After the devastating Boles fire in September 2014, all you want is for your life to return to normal. With The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International’s help, you increased my dwelling claim by 40% and obtained policy limits on my additional coverages i.e. personal property, other structures, and trees, plants, and shrubs. I would have never been able to accomplish this on my own.

At first, negotiating with our insurance company seemed like a task we could handle ourselves. But after a short time we realized we needed someone who would represent us in dealing with the insurance company…Our lives had been turned upside down in a matter of hours and it was great to know The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was there to help relieve a major portion of fire-related stress. Thanks for being there for us, supporting us, and guiding us through all the minor and major decisions that had to be made. And thank you for the positive end-result we achieved.

Jeanne C. Threadgold

On September 15, 2014, our family home burned to the ground. It’s hard to fathom and doesn’t really begin to sink in until you notify your insurance company. Your head spins and you’re not sure where to begin. The professionalism by all The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was truly appreciated!

David is very dedicated and attentive to details as well as being highly experienced in this specialized industry. David handled our claim with speed and efficiency while handling a myriad of concerns regarding the reconstruction process. He handled all of this in a very professional manner despite having to deal with a particularly adversarial insurance company representative. David continued to follow through until we were once again back into our newly reconstructed residence and all final settlement issues were resolved.

...we began to realize it was our responsibility to present our claim to the insurance company. The tools and resources you used to put together our inventory clearly had a dramatic impact on out claim and we thank you for your diligence.

You not only collected 40% more than the insurance carrier initially wanted to pay us, but you also convinced the insurance company to pay us the fair rental value for our home (furnished), even though the policy only covered additional living expenses. With the additional monies from the fair rental value payment, we were able to purchase the RV we’ve always wanted!…You more than earned your fee and provided us peace of mind in not having to worry about all the minute details involved in adjusting our claim with the insurance carrier.

American Steel & Stairways, Inc.

When I talked to my insurance agent and found out what exactly was involved with dealing in a fire loss, I started to think that maybe The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was the way to go. Me and my wife signed with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International and have never looked back. They have handled everything from determining the scope of work to be done to itemizing every little thing that lost in the fire. All we had to do is sit back for the ride and participate whenever needed.

Had we not engaged your services, I am sure our insurance company would have most probably only paid less than half of what your firm recovered for us…What could have been a horrible nightmare has truly been a pleasurable experience!

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