All Testimonials

Now that our insurance efforts and legal skirmishes are all complete it is time for us to extend some credit for a job well done. We are certain that many people contributed to this program, but we wish to single out one person at The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International who we feel did an outstanding job. That person is Ken Elkman. He clearly believed in what he was doing and he followed through. He always made himself available to discuss the many turns the program took, even when the situation did not appear healthy. Ken was not just positive, but informative as well. It’s a pleasure to deal with people who know what they are doing, who believe in it and can convey that to their clients. In retrospect, we felt that we were well informed and well served.

Braemar North Ranch Homeowners

Your hard work and determination was the sole reason we were able to collect as much as we did from our insurer.

When we hired you after our gymnasium fire loss, we never expected the results we received from your involvement. Coregis Insurance Company initially reserved the loss at $350,000.00. Through your efforts, you were able to settle the gymnasium loss for in excess of $750,000.00 Your firm's ability to inventory and value all of the damaged personal property items belonging to the School District, teachers, and students was invaluable to us. I realize that a school district should have resources at its disposal to handle all situations that might arise. But there is no question in my mind that no one could possibly have someone on staff as skilled and knowledgeable as you and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. No one has Ken Crown ! My recommendation to any school administrator facing a large physical loss: Hire The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. It will be the best decision you will make!

Palo Alto Unified School District

Initially I was very fearful as I did not know where to look for such guidance and assistance. I remembered that years ago I had dealt with Sidney Greenspan in regard to a fire loss suffered by one of my clients and how pleasant he made a very unpleasant experience. It was then I recommended that we contact The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. In the subsequent months you and your firm have repeatedly reconfirmed that this was in fact the right decision. You have, as you promised, provided my client and me with guidance and assistance and facilitated the settlement of her claim with the least amount of problems and for an amount which was quite fair.

Gudvi, Chapnick & Oppenheim, Inc.

It became clear that I was out of my league. The experience taught me "a wise man knows when another man knows better". We collected for things that I could not have thought up in my wildest dreams. All of them perfectly appropriate under the terms of my insurance policy, but not things the insurance company adjuster or my broker would have suggested. I consider myself a savvy businessman and was certain that all those around me.. My accountant, lawyers, broker, etc… had the skills to handle the matter. Fortunately for me, it did not take me long to realize otherwise. The best decision I made was to hire a public adjuster. If there is one point that this letter should serve, it is to implore those reading it to put aside their preconceived notions of insurance companies as being their friends and to sit down with a qualified public adjuster and listen… then decide.

ECS Refining

We would like to take this opportunity to tell you that our experience with all of the people that we met with from your company has been of great satisfaction.

Superior Moulding

Your company was very prompt in accessing my loss and preparing the necessary complete documentation for a speedy insurance recovery. My claim was acted upon in a very timely manner.

Leonard Farms

...I thought that the insurer would treat us fairly and pay the right amount so we could rebuild the property. …Relatively quickly in the process I realized that the insurance company was going to drag its feet and find ways to reduce the amount owed. I am glad I retained your services to help.…Your tremendous efforts resulted in an amount more than double of what the insurance company initially offered. Without your efforts, I shudder to think of the result. And, the cost of your services was well worth it. …Rest assured, I wholeheartedly recommend you and your firm.

City and County of San Francisco
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