All Testimonials

I remember well when your father came out to our office to help settle with the insurance after our big fire. We certainly appreciated how quickly he responded, and the wonderful, dedicated service we received from him.

In-N-Out Burger

While we are extremely business savvy, without your help we could not have successfully recovered from the devastating flood that destroyed Thailand. We were first victims of the flood. Then we became victims of the insurance company and the claims process. Right away you sent a team of expert consultants in the various aspects of the insurance claim that were applicable to our circumstance. Building experts were engaged to represent our interest in order to properly evaluate the damages to our various buildings. Your team of contents specialists were extremely detailed at capturing every single item of business personal property and machinery. With your expertise we were fortunate to favorably negotiate our way around the coinsurance penalties, depreciation, salvage and a variety of other claim issues in which we were not well versed. Initially we were hesitant to retain a loss consultant for our insurance claim as we believed that our insurer would promptly and fairly reimburse us for our loss. We quickly learned that in order to preserve our interests we needed the expertise of professionals as you to protect and advocate our insurance picture because the insurance company hired their own team to represent their own interests. Because of you we were able to negotiate an extremely favorable recovery on all aspects of loss. You took the burden of the catastrophe off our hands. We would never recommend anybody facing a complex insurance claim to move forward without the help of a firm like Insight Advice and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International.

There's no way we could have accomplished the work that your people did to establish our inventory and machinery claims. It would have been impossible for us to continue our own operation and attempt to do the tremendous amount of work your people did for us in establishing our insurance claims. In fact, it would be foolhardy for anyone not to use a capable public adjuster like yourself.

Rauch Industries, Inc.

You are the brightest, sharpest and the best adjuster I have come across. You handle everything in the most professional manner. You know how to work with your crew to achieve the best results and you know how to overcome barriers during the adjustment process. You are also well versed with numbers. Overall, you are the best at your job.

Parham Partielli, Director Property
Development and Financing
Development and Financing

As you know, I was extremely skeptical as to our need for your services when we first met. The insurance company, through their adjuster, had said many of the things I wanted to hear and seemed very cooperative. Clearly…we, as a homeowners association negotiating on our own behalf, would never have reached the settlement we did without your guidance and professional assistance.

James R. Bell

Once again we would like to thank you for your professional support during our dealings with our insurance company in regards to the fire we had at our warehouse

Gibson Overseas

Just a note to tell you how terrific you are! When people have problems that they are not familiar with they need an expert. Having this fire was a real experience for me and without you would have been a disaster.

Technolite & Lighting West

In every way we have found... The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to be competent, honest, and reliable.

Maddalena Riboli, Sec. Treasurer
San Antonio Winery
328 of 2430