All Testimonials

Your valuable services are appreciated, particularly considering the fact that this multi million dollar fire casualty took less than four months to conclude from the date of the fire.

TV Fanfare Publications, Inc.

Through your efforts and that of Chris Glenister, we ended up securing a settlement in excess of 2.5 million dollars. Prior to hiring your firm, the insurance carrier had initially evaluated our loss at approximately $500,000. Our only regret is that we did not retain your firm at the beginning of the adjustment process...As a result of your efforts, we now have a restaurant that is even nicer than what existed prior to the fire……………Through yours and Chris's ingenious efforts………….we ultimately secured a Loss of Income proceeds substantially more than what we would have accepted.

Owners Fleur de Lys Restaurant

The Boles fire in September 2014 is one I’ll never forget. It was the most horrible thing to ever hit Weed, CA. Over 100 homes and buildings were lost in this fire. You and your team took so much pressure off of me and my family. Your persistence with our insurance company in getting them to understand the quality of our home, its surroundings, and the items they missed in their evaluation resulted in us getting our policy limits paid. As a Police Sergeant, I was already a busy man and knew I would need the help of professionals. By retaining The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International’s services, they were able to maximize my recovery. I couldn’t be happier!

There is no doubt that your assistance and guidance resulted in a settlement that was four (4) times what we had anticipated.

Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce

I believe the satisfactory settlement with our insurance carrier was due solely to the thorough and professional manner in which this claim was handled by your company… Thank you for your superior business practices, advise and support that made this ordeal more bearable.

Interstate Plastics

Our loss was certainly not easy to measure. Your staff of building experts prepared a greatly detailed building estimate that carefully measured all of our damages. Much of our stock was also damaged to varying degrees, which made the detailed quantification and evaluation a very difficult task. Our equipment and machinery was still operational, yet you were able to negotiate a generous repair/damage allowance for machinery that was exposed to water and potential future corrosion. Our business interruption loss was also quite complicated. While we were able to complete most of our current orders at that time, we suffered a substantial loss of opportunity. Our normal margin was eroded by inefficiencies due to working in a damaged facility. Your team of professionals successfully identified and demonstrated this loss by developing a model which measured and supported that loss of opportunity and allowed us to recover appropriately. Your experts accurately interpreted our policy so that we could utilize all aspects of our coverage, and all aspects of our loss - even those which we didn't initially recognize - were skillfully measured. Adjusters International managed to minimize the impact of a very serious co-insurance clause, which saved Gerber hundreds of thousands of dollars. Your personnel dealt admirably with the language barrier, the substantial travel time to and from the loss sites and the numerous parties involved in our loss, and eventually negotiated very favorable settlements.

Gerber Childrenswear, Inc.

Our insurance company was very slow and incompetent in reimbursing the dealership for our losses. I hired The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International as an intermediary. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International performed in a very professional manner recovering the monies and properties due my business. I felt they were a great asset, operating as a third party one on one with American Hardware. Their strong presence eliminated having to do the groundwork myself allowing me to spend more time with my customers and employees.

Santos Ford - Lincoln Mercury, Inc.

We initially thought Farmers Insurance would take care of us; after all, we’d been paying our premiums for years, we knew our agent well and we never had a claim. We quickly realized we were in over our heads and needed professional help. With the experience, professionalism and resources The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International brings to the table, we’d highly recommend them to anyone who has suffered any type of loss as we did.

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