All Testimonials

Faced with the awesome task of recovering from the fire that had just destroyed our headquarters building, the last thing I wanted to do was spend all my time documenting each and every item we lost and then arguing with the insurance company adjusters over the coverage. As a result, my chairman and I quickly agreed that getting the association up and running again would require all my time and that the documentation of our losses should, if possible, be left to others…The professionalism I experienced with your firm prompted me to overcome my initial reservations. That turned out to be a great decision as all the people at Adjusters International conducted themselves professionally and delivered very high quality products. You saved me untold hours and aggravation and saved the association a lot of money.

National Lumber and Building Material
Dealers Association

What a wonderful decision! I understand business quite well and have owned and operated my own business in Palo Alto over the last 20 years. I understand service and taking care of the client and I just can’t say enough about how our assigned adjuster took care of me throughout the process. He made himself always available to handle any questions I had without ever making me feel like I was imposing on his time. During our first meeting he laid out the process and timeframe for obtaining the payout and amazingly everything went exactly like he said and I received an excellent payout due to his conscientious and diligent efforts in working with the adjuster. WOW! How often does that happen in life?

It was a true pleasure working with you and your company in this affair and your prompt attention to the myriad details, aggressive pursuit of appropriate in settlement with commercial union insurance company, and efficient paperwork made a troublesome fire damage much easier for me to manage.

I was extremely skeptical about retaining a Public Adjuster to help me negotiate my claim with my insurance company. I know I was wrong in my skepticism because the efforts employed by you and the team you assembled were fantastic…In hindsight, I wish I had made the decision earlier…You undertook the daunting task of undoing all the mistakes the insurance adjuster made on the file prior to your retention and then got my claim on the right track of recovery. I am so glad that I was able to focus my energy and time on my medical practice, as opposed to fighting my insurance company at every turn. The ultimate settlement was more than double what the insurance company had originally offered.

Balaji Medical Corporation

How can I possible put into words how much of a difference it made to have had Ken Crown, Chris Glenister and yourself guiding METROTECH Corporation through the complexities of the insurance policy, tedious negotiations and arcane legalities surrounding this event. You and your team surely increased our claim collections from Kemper by $1 to $2 million over what I could have done on my own.

Greenspan Adjusters International assisted the Federation through very difficult and complex times. Your expertise and skill were exemplary.

Jack Klein, Associate Executive Vice
President, Operations
The Jewish Federation

Please extend my gratitude to Shellie Landa and Chris Glennister for all of the work they put in on this project. Without their number-crunching and understanding of the details, this settlement would still be stalled…Obviously, your negotiating skills and advice to me along the way were key to the ultimate resolution of this claim. It was your advice that helped me finally accept Royal's latest offer.

Village Resorts

During the days that followed, many people appeared. Some were public adjusters and others were contractors. They all suggested that they could help us. As the dust settled and it became clear that there was no one on "our side," we began to think that maybe we could use some help. Maybe, just maybe, I was not as prepared for what lay a ahead as I thought. I met with you and Steve Severaid from your office. I met with others who offered similar services and as a result of these early meetings I set up interviews for the "final contestants" with our board of directors. It became clear during the interviews that Adjusters International was a "cut above the rest." It was clear that you would assemble a team that would represent our interests unfailingly regardless of the fact that you were located on the mainland. It became evident…from referrals and your intensity and conviction…that you were clearly the best choice for us. We never looked back. We cannot thank you enough for the wonderful job that you did. You were there for us every step of the way. You fought for us unwaveringly on difficult matters. You got us more than double what we probably would have gotten had we not hired you. You were worth every penny we paid you. We would never consider handling a claim of this size without you.

Calvin S. Oki, Building Manager
528 of 2430