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I can now state without any reservation or qualification that any insured should and must avail himself of the services of a public adjusting firm, such as Greenspan Adjusters International, or he has no chance and no hope of actually getting the insurance that was paid and contracted for. I have come to this conclusion reluctantly because I had always assumed that insurance was a clear-cut, straightforward proposition; but we now know from this on-going experience that it is not, and skilled help is required in any effort to simply enforce the contractual rights we paid for with our premium dollars. We have been particularly pleased with the fact that you and your associates were always willing and able to work very closely with us even when that required doing some quite extraordinary things such as the tremendous time and effort involved with the physical inventory of the damaged rugs…I am convinced that whatever success we have achieved to date is largely and manifestly because of your own skill and experience in handling claims, to be sure, but particularly the result of your mastery of the art of realistic dealing with the insurance company and its lawyers. The most important thing that an insured must know about the process of handling his own claim is that even in the very beginning the relationship between himself and his insurance company is adversarial. It did not seem so to us at first, but I now know that it was, and that fact ought to lead anyone in those circumstances to the conclusion that they must have professional assistance.

Industrial Development Group

We found The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International to be competent in all areas, cooperative and of great help at a time when fast action and time consuming negotiations with the insurance company were necessary.

Flexible Plumbertool, Inc.

...We liked Steve and Gordon and wanted them to handle everything. But we trusted in their judgment and needless to say, they were right. Although they were always involved, it seemed like everyone on your team was an expert including you, Allison and Chris. You and your firm were very knowledgeable in the handling of our stock claim, Loss of Income coverage and all of the other coverages we didn't even know that we were entitled to under our policy of insurance. I could see how valuable it was and how happy we were to have the expertise to deal with each aspect of our claim. Your efforts to deal with all aspects of our claim allowed us to focus on reopening our business and for that we are truly grateful...

The expertise that your firm exhibited during our initial discussions ensured our company that you would be able to achieve a more favorable settlement than we ever could and the results proved that. There was a minimum interruption to our organization while your staff gathered that appropriate information to process the losses which enabled us to concentrate on operating our business. Your firm clearly showed a level of knowledge and skill that proved to us that the choice we made in securing your services was the correct one.

I told him that I was an attorney and I initially had the idea that I could just handle all of this by myself. After all, I had been the general contractor on building my own house – surely I could handle a fire loss…Then I told him that we had a meeting in my attorney’s office in Seattle with Gordon and KC and they explained what they could do to help me. My attorney and I looked at each other and both said “no way could we do all of this ourselves.” For one thing, my attorney didn’t have the time to work on all the fire loss issues and if I tackled it alone, I told “Richard”, it would have taken me 5 years to do all that Adjusters International did for me…I explained that just the PROCESS and getting your loss claims in a format that the insurance company will accept is daunting. Then, I told him that AI fights for you – when the insurance company wants to use “national tables” and depreciate everything – even a lot of your new stuff…it’s maddening, and without AI and namely, Drew Lucurell, to go to bat for me, I would have been sunk. I told him that he would more than recover any fee paid to AI just by having them work for him vis-à-vis the insurance company, who basically wants to settle early, settle cheap and SCREW YOU!

My first introduction to your profession was when I was standing in the charred remains of our 11,000 square foot building that housed over 50 employees and was contemplating appropriate actions. At first I elected to proceed on my own with our insurance agent, but within a few days it was obvious that this would be a disaster. It would have taken an inordinate amount of time, during which I wouldn't be able to run my business, and I suspected that I would also be at a severe disadvantage negotiating an insurance settlement, for the very first time, with someone who does this every day, and has for thirty years. Although I may have been more work for you than a passive client might have been, I feel that our discussions yielded a fair settlement. I appreciate the personalized service that accommodated our situation and my temperament.

Marc Kloner

I have handled many fire claims myself, but due to the size and complexity of this loss, we would never have realized the full business interruption, personal property, and building recoveries without your assistance. Also, we realize that our recovery would have been even better if we had enlisted your assistance immediately after the fire and before our management began discussions with our insurance company.

Although we are headquartered in Japan, our Thailand operations located outside Bangkok were catastrophically affected and essentially shut down by the floods of 2011. We generally service the high-tech sector in the preparation of CPU’s and motherboards for major international clients such as Texas Instruments, Spansion, and other Fortune 50 technology companies. While we are extremely business savvy without your help we could not have successfully recovered from the devastating flood that destroyed Thailand in the fall of 2011. We are extremely impressed with the team you assembled to measure, evaluate and negotiate the building, machinery, contents, stock and business interruption aspects of our loss. You counteracted the insurance company with experts in every arena.

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