All Testimonials

In those first days, we felt comfortable that the expertise within our congregation along with the assurances from our insurance company’s adjuster were all that was needed to put the destruction behind us and allow us to rebuild. I believe this was the single biggest mistake we made in the process of our crises. Moving through the process, we became mired in a protracted disappointing, difficult negotiation with our insurance company. When The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International got involved, the insurance company’s offer was a little over two million dollars. When all was said and done, our negotiated settlement was just short of three and a half million dollars, over 60% increase! Drew and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International earned every penny they charged. If I were to go back in time or had another claim of any kind the first call after 911 would be to The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. They are worth it. We cannot recommend them highly enough.

You and your staff were extremely sympathetic and very professional in the way our claim was handled. We know there is no way that we could have received anywhere near as much compensation from the insurance company as what you were able to get for us. You got us more than we ever expected. One of the best things you did for us was taking over and doing all the negotiations. As you know, we met the adjuster from the insurance company the day after the fire and never spoke to him again as you handled everything.

Joe & Evelyn Schorr

You are the brightest, sharpest and the best adjuster I have come across. You handle everything in the most professional manner. You know how to work with your crew to achieve the best results and you know how to overcome barriers during the adjustment process. You are also well versed with numbers. Overall, you are the best at your job.

Parham Partielli, Director Property
Development and Financing
Development and Financing

...your lead adjuster took command of our claim and negotiations with our insurance carrier and has returned more than three times what the initial claim value appeared to be. As a result of all your fine efforts, we have been able to rebuild a new facility, larger than the one we lost; installed a state of the art packing line; and have improved our site facility all for the amount of the settlement. We initially looked at your fee as a cost of doing business. It turns out that the fee we paid of $218,858.00 was a true value compared to the additional reimbursements The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was able to negotiate on the claim.

No one can understand your personal feelings when tragedy strikes, especially when it affects your personal life savings. During this time of emotional upheaval the best business decision that you can make is to hire a personal adjuster for the insured…After we decided to go with The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International they did not disappear or leave us hanging. They were there...with a full team of appraisal experts working to put our claim together, making sure we received every bit of compensation that was due us under the terms of the policy…In fact I can say without hesitation that every penny we paid The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International in commission they earned ten times over...The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's personnel are highly trained, professional people. They know the law and how to fight for a full, fair settlement on an insurance claim.

Reisig's Shoes/Bullard's Dept. Store, Inc.

After spending some brief time with representatives of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, I realized that it was in the best interest of the insured to have good representation. I was under the impression that our insurance company would provide such representation. But it didn't take long to find out that the carrier doesn't always act in such a manner. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International provided a tremendous relief to the paperwork and accounting burden that comes with any substantial loss. They are extremely knowledgeable about claims processing, adjustment, policy coverage, and limits. They were always available for consultation, and provided documented correspondence and adjustment accounting for the insured's records, and were even more diligent in getting proceeds checks written in a timely fashion.

American Management Company

You and your staff were most professional and diligent and without your assistance, we never would have realized the same results.

Michael Talla, Chief Executive Officer
The Sports Club Company

As the oldest real estate firm in San Francisco, we have seen our share of damage to our own properties as well as those that we manage for others. Although we have run into other public adjusters, you and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International team are steps above all the others. Your attention to detail combined with years of experience gave me confident and reassurance that our claim was going to be successfully negotiated with our insurance carrier...In the end there is no doubt in our minds that you collected more than we could have done on our own. Your fee was well worth it, and paled in comparison to the increased adjustment you were able to obtain.

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