All Testimonials

Even though I consider myself a prudent Risk Manager, there are so many details that you thought of that we didn't. Your calculation of the business interruption portion of our loss was by far more accurate and advantageous to our bottom line than any number our accounting department came up with…I was especially appreciative of the manner in which you negotiated with the insurance company adjuster. As you know, we have an ongoing relationship with our carriers, and rather than creating an adversarial relationship with Kemper's adjuster, you immediately initiated a 'team' concept, which certainly inured to our benefit.

Nola Grayback, Risk Manager
Rickel Home Centers

On September 12, 2015, our vacation retreat, personal property, outbuildings, and perhaps every tree on our 26-acre Mountain Ranch, CA property were completely destroyed by the Butte fire. We knew that we were in over our heads and believed that having a company like yours represent us might preserve our emotional and psychological wellbeing at the very least. You got an initial settlement offer of $219,095 from our insurance company. You turned their offer into $637, 500. As you know, we maintained a very high level of expectation from you and your firm. The personal and professional claims service we got from The Greenspan Company/Adjusters International was world class, I’m happy to say that you met our expectations without exception and helped carry us through an uncertain and difficult period in our lives.

Hello Big Sur and Highlands neighbors, as alumni of the Pfeiffer 2013 fire where we lost our then home, we want you to know what made a huge difference after the fact. There is a category of a public company called “Public Adjuster”. Your public adjuster works for you and without ours we never would have come out financially whole and that includes their fee, which is a % of what they get back for you. They are amazing, doggedly persistent and do not stop until the job is done. We lost our home to a wild fire in Big Sur. We NEVER could have achieved the recovery they did because they know how the process works. So many things the insurance company never tells you! They are more than worth every penny of their fees. A way to think of this is if you get sued or have a legal problem you hire a lawyer to work for you as the person suing you or whatever company you have a problem for CERTAINLY has a lawyer working for/defending their interests. This is what The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International does for you. Yes, the insurance company assigns a claim adjuster to your case but they are NOT your advocate… they work for the insurance company. So, it makes sense any way you look at it!

Welcome to the side of the insurance industry they never show in their ads! If you have never had the experience of trying to collect on a large insurance claim before I am sure you do not realize how badly you need the help of an expert like Bill Greenspan. It's easy to think 'I've been a good customer and paid my premiums for years so now those good folks will rush to my assistance just like in the ads.' Well perhaps...but let's look at the economics. After all economics and law are what drive and shape the behavior of businesses.

Countryman Associates, Inc.

Adjusters International worked tirelessly with our business to put together the necessary information to get the best possible results from the insurance company that would be the best outcome for our situation. While other businesses faced with similar circumstances were being turned away by their insurance providers due to the nature of the record snowfalls our region faced, Adjusters International fought on our behalf to secure a settlement for the full amount of our policy.

Classic Visions Enterprises, dba Volunteers of America

Thanks to your skills, the State of Oklahoma was able to receive a much more favorable settlement than would have otherwise been provided in rebuilding our facility. As you know, the complexities of the issues because of change in political leadership, administrative leadership, and state agencies gave us all quite a challenge. I appreciate your unparalleled patience in dealing with me and with the 'system' throughout the process. On a more personal note, I really am grateful for the time and effort that each of you spent in educating me in this area of business and your willingness to keep me involved in the process so that I could broaden my perspective of this field.

Sammye Norvell Cravens, Director/Chief
Financial Officer
State of Oklahoma

In your role as consultant to the National Park Service, your expertise was invaluable in allowing us to work through each step of the long and detailed process and to feel confident that we have protected the public interest as we arrived at a final insurance settlement of $7.5 million which we feel is fair and just. I was very impressed by the expertise you brought to bear on the claim and soon came to realize that we, with your help, would be actively involved in the adjustment process. You provided information and perspective that allowed us to review case law, weigh options, and shift approaches to aspects of the claim in order to reach a more beneficial yet fair settlement. I have also come to respect your ability to participate and communicate fully on a technical and professional level and yet be able to translate, in clear and concise yet understandable terms, the technicalities of the profession to those of us not immersed in the intricacies. The summaries and explanations of all aspects of the loss adjustment you prepared were well done and served as the basis for National Park Service approval of the insurance settlement.

United States Department Of The Interior
National Park Service

I know that without your assistance, in both knowledge of the insurance industry and labor in compiling our claim, we would be unable to rebuild our Club. Though I was skeptical, without a doubt, purchasing The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International's services was the wisest expenditure our club has ever made. Without it, our recovery would have been much less, probably half, and the time spent by my staff and me, would have been much more costly.

Marilyn Curry, Club Manager
Chabot Tennis Talk
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